jerrycan dan #sexist
[About a woman called Sophie James who ordered a dog dildo online]
guess what she's bought as well? Dog rope toys, dog tennis balls, dog bandanna. hmmm, really jobs my noggin. No woman is going to be smart enough to buy these for her petplay LARP unless she actually has a dog, who she is preparing for by taking a plastic knot. She fucks dogs. She fucks dogs and posts about it publically with a picture of her face reviewing dog dick memorabilia. 24 people thought this was cool and publically followed her. It is fucking over. Your looksmatch is actually fucking dogs and dog dildos. Women deserve no rights whatsoever, they should be fucking beaten for even suggesting they will do anything good with their own self-determination legal personhood. YOUR LOOKSMATCH IS GETTING KNOTTED AS YOU READ THIS, LOW TIER NORMIE LOOKSMATCHERS ARE GETTING RAILED BY PITBULLS AND GOLDEN RECHADDERS
cucktears foids reading this are probably scared they'll get caught reading this