Michael Knowles #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Citation From the August 12, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

There was a gal who won. She won the bronze medal, this Romanian gal. And her name is, Voinea, Sabrina Voinea. And so her score was up there, you know, and she won the bronze and she did a good job in gymnastics. And then they just changed her score. She's already so excited that she won. They changed her score, and they gave it to – and this is important for the context, she's an extremely white girl – and they gave it to a Black girl, Chiles – something Chiles. And so – Jordan Chiles. So Jordan Chiles, Black, ends up keeping her same score. Sabrina Voinea loses a tenth of a point or something like that, for allegedly stepping out[…]
I'm not saying it didn't come close, but it was fine. They took that point away for no reason whatsoever. But the reason that the races matter here is this was the podium that was hailed by all the Olympics, you know, PR flacks as the all-Black podium. It was so historic. So, of course, they had to take it away from the white girl and they had to give it to the Black girl[…]
Now affirmative action is not just in schools, it's not just in places of employment, affirmative action is now in sports, affirmative action is now in the Olympics. That's amazing. You get however many extra points on your SAT if you check the right racial box. And now I guess you get an extra tenth of a point, quarter of a point, half a point, who knows, in Olympics gymnastics



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