Scorezeny #racist #homophobia

Part 1. Acute education. Not so many years ago, the immediate vicinity was devoid of vibrant undesirables. There may have been a smattering of creepy queers and generic weirdos but by and large, it was mostly cholo gangbangers and “hopefuls”- transplants mostly from the midwest, trying to break into “the industry”. Vivid Entertainment was Plan B for actresses with minimal talent. It came to a screeching halt with the writers’ strike. The rest of the nation called it a recession, or a bubble. The stage had been set, decline was in full swing following that slowdown. Quality of life laws began to be sloughed off, illegals were hired for more chores, the Prop 8 assault on morality began. A slope slippery with diarrhea and K-Y Jelly led to the election of obaphomet. When the bus is going over a cliff, you may as well get a chimp to drive it. An illegal foreigner to boot, married to a hesheboon.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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