Atavistic Autist #conspiracy

[Serious] Therapists are the capitalist equivalents of KGB informants

As social alienation has increased due to the dislocations wrought by liberal-capitalism, people have naturally become less capable of resolving disputes between themselves, and so have outsourced conflict resolutions to police officers and therapists and the like.

It is no coincidence that a therapist will not hesitate to call the police on you if you say too much, and betray your trust, because both professions are inherently rooted in the contradictions of a low trust society. Both a police officer and a therapist are ultimately working against you, and see you as something to be managed rather than made satisfied.

A therapist is the capitalist equivalent of a KGB spy in the Soviet Union pretending to be your friend, but who is actually just there to inform on any seditious words of yours, while you pay him to do so (whether through the vector of the state or the sham of paying for "mental health treatment").

Except there's much less pretense with a therapist, and at least a KGB spy did not personally force you to remunerate him as he shit-tested your faith in the prevailing system of power.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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