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The Red Heifer comes of age, today. Are you guys ready for the big one?
I’ll fire up the grill! Get your shit together boys, because we’re going to war! Specifically, we’re going to war with Iran as predicted.
Oh, you don’t understand? Don’t you get it? We fight Jewish wars, over here, in the good ol’ USA.
We live to serve Jews.
Normally, I would say the USA is the most evil polity in history. However, all governments are corrupt. All governments are evil. In case you’re wondering what a government is, well, I’ll gladly tell you. A government is literally just people. A small group of retarded people who are believed in by a much, much, much, much larger group of retards to have power and authority over them. Yes, this is what the United States government is. It is just people. A very small group of psychotic and inhumane people! Specifically, these people that make up the government are controlled by another very small group of people known as, Jews. These Jews and the people referred to as “government”, wanted a war with Iran since Obama. Correction. They wanted a war with Iran since Bush Jr. They laid out the plan before 9/11 and are just now about to fulfill it. I explained this here and here.
What does this mean for us, goyim, who let this very small group of retards dictate our lives? Well…
It is just a draft, but this is the beginning of it. The beginning of “the end” as the delusional religious morons refer to it. Gog & Magog.
Will Jews kill the whole planet in a narcissistic, psychopathic rage, if they lose, as it’s claimed by some of them that they would? If you know women, you know just how this is going to play out. She must have the last say and it’s her way, or no way at all.