Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

Some of the most annoying lies being peddled as truth...

The 14th Amendment disqualifies President Trump

The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation

The border is not open

The adults are back in charge

Trump is a threat to our democracy

MAGA consevatives are the greatest threat to America

Zero terrorists have infiltrated America via the border

$6 billion will NOT finance Iranian terror

Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd

Financing Ukraine is in America's national security interest

The US did NOT blow up Nord Stream

2020 was the most secure election in US history

Joe Biden never discussed business with Hunter

Immigrants are more American than Americans

Inflation is transitory

mRNA "vaccines" will stop the spread

COVID came from a wet market

America is respected again

We're not anti-white, we're anti- "colonizers"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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