LadyGlum #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia
yes i know, there's super rare cases where a woman can have other chromosomes
Female is more accurate and inclusive of actual women who don't have XX chromosomes. They aren't as common as TRAs would have you think (and are rarely ever trans) but intersex women are getting called men often enough by TRAs that I don't think we need to start on it too. Intersex women are made to feel not woman enough by the patriarchy as they often have less "feminine" attributes, they have struggles enough to be seen as women, but all female people are women and deserve to be protected by feminism, regardless of their chromosomes.
sure, but 'female' is such a vague word in itself, that can be used in various definitions. The TRAs aren't going to agree with our definition of a biology-based 'female'. Of course an actual program like this would have to be a lot more detailed
TRAs are not going to agree with the scientific definition of "female", no, but female is not a vague word, they merely want people to believe it is. Science and medicine has managed to successfully sex as either male or female every single human who has ever been sexed, no matter how complicated or atypical they may be (I'm sure you know this) and I think it's important to acknowledge that.
of course, i just think that TRAs are gonna go 'well a trans woman thinks and presents female so she is female!!' while even they don't dare to lie about chromosomes (yet)
Oh they do lie about chromosomes already! There's quite a movement of trans people (usually males) self-diagnosing themselves as intersex and claiming to be actually female. Alex Alicit on twitter documents their lies and how they're appropriating intersex struggles (they do really like appropriating things ...). It's extremely disturbing.