What you call 'Insane' laws are a Western concept, right? Human rights and all that jazz? Okay. You like to redefine words, amirite?
@Mary Jane Lick Sick
My entire post argues that these definitions SHOULDN'T be law and that the fact they are law is a symptom of sick society
'Sick'? By whose definition...?! But hey, okay; for the purposes of your 'post', we'll play it your way. You think Western definitions of Human rights: and therefore laws based on such shouldn't be allowed to exist, right?
And, yes, real world works by what are current definitions and my argument is that these definitions are wrong and should change.
Just like you're wrong about me 1. being a Croat 2. living in an asylum 3. having brain damage
Subjective 'definitions' don't work that way. Unless you agree to be raped with a chainsaw - due to others' definitions of how laws should be: and fuck your 'B-but, that would KILL me!' excuses - you don't have the right to think the way you do, Mary Jane Lick Sick.
And as the Elite Hunters' torture centres are based in Eastern Europe, give me just one good reason - based on our definitions of how laws should be: gee, I wonder whose we've based them on...?! - why the "Hostel" films shouldn't be documentaries: and those captured to be torture fodder shouldn't be the likes of you...?!
...and now you know how you sound to everyone else. If you so much as think of disagreeing with my entire post: and you only have the right to agree that all laws which ensure human beings have the basic human right to exist don't apply to you, thus anyone has the right to torture you to death - because our laws preventing such are - by your subjective definition 'Insane' - and you don't have the right to think of saying 'No' to being tortured, therefore you never had the right to think the way you do in the first place.
...but if you disagree with anyone going all "Hostel" on you because you say 'I have the right to exist', ergo you agree with Western laws based on the Western concept of Human Rights. But as you yourself have proved that you're not human: because what normal, Sane (by our definition, yours never had the right to exist in the first place) human being would so much as think the way you do, Mary Jane Lick Sick? For if we were - by your definition of that word - thus anyone can do exactly what they like to you: and you only have the right to agree, even if it means your more than infinitely painful death...!
...ah, edgelording out the 'Edgelords'. Feels good, man.