Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #magick #ufo

The relationship with the invisible world is very complex, because the Gnostics consider the idea of the Son of God to be a delusion, insinuated into the human mind by an alien species of aberrant entities or mental parasites, called the Archons, under the concept of Good versus Bad for ordinary people.

The point here; is that the Anunnaki are not our creators, as the illuminates would have us believe. They only manipulated us so that they could use us as their slaves.
The invisible masters belong to an imperceptible extra-dimensional entity of immortal beings, proclaimed only in esoteric teachings to carefully chosen disciples in secret societies. – Jesus and also Buddha fulfilled this role model for them.

The real Hidden Masters contrary to what is said in popular culture are the benevolent aliens, not the ones from the dark side. The benevolent beings have no need to rule or control our lives. This goes against universal occult laws.

However, the dark elite try to rise above these laws, they act as the guardians of the material world, in other words, they are the Archons who are the most dangerous intrapsychic-mind parasites, like most of their Islamic counterparts, employed by occult Elites and intelligence agencies to deceive and manipulate us the people.

The birth of the New World Order is said to have already been fulfilled by the Invisible Master called Yahweh, also called the Evil God contrasting with the Good God, who can only be attained through “gnosis” as concluded by the Gnostic bloodline members present on Earth.

Disconnecting 10 of our 12 DNA strands has limited our potential. Some aliens helped genetically manipulate humanity, while the Anunnaki later crippled human genetics by disconnecting 10 of our 12 DNA strands, which enslaved humanity for the elite.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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