Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist
[From "Brown People are Always Going to Support Socialism Because They’re So Much Less Competent Than Whites"]
In democracy, you have all these different groups which you must pander to. We take it for granted, but it’s really an absurd situation: society is totally divided into groups and politicians have to segment out what they do for each group in order to get votes from that group.
As Joe Biden recently said, Latinos are not monolithic like the blacks.
He apologized for saying that, or rather whoever runs his Twitter account apologized that he said that.
The thing I would like to offer today is this: it appears to me that democracy encourages these social divides.[…]
If immigrants were expected to integrate, very few would bother coming at all. Moving to another country is a big effort. But democracy, with this system of multiple group identities, encourages them to remain in these blocs, which then encourages more to come here.
These people are always with the Republicans, because the Republicans theoretically support military action in Latin America. Also, because they are lighter-skinned, they have higher IQs and generally do not want socialism here in America either. In any mixed-race country, socialism is a way for brown people to siphon wealth from white people. (In a purely white country, socialism is a way for women to siphon wealth from men.)
We need to abandon democracy and go back to the classical American republican model of government. If we did that tomorrow, and made the white majority the singular focus of government policy, things would slowly begin to swing in the opposite direction.
You would see:
∙ Blacks trying to act like people
∙ Women returning to the guidance of men
∙ Brown people going back to their shitholes