various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie

( @White__Rabbit )
Polish Nationalist MP Grzegorz Braun explained why he extinguished a menorah in Polish parliament today, gets thrown out.

"In fact I am restoring normalcy and balance, putting an end to acts of Satanic, Talmudic and racist triumphalism"

( @ThomasFredericks )
@White__Rabbit - Notice that merely "challenging them to a debate" was considered "insulting a religion" - hmmmm.

So, it is simply forbidden to DISCUSS the Jewish Talmudic Satanic Cult's rituals and their meanings?

( @voxpopuli2020 )
@White__Rabbit Based red-pilled MP in Poland. Offers to have theological discussion
after extinguishing a Menorah.
America has no such statesmen

( @claytreble )
@White__Rabbit Fuck those kike dick suckers! Good on this guy whose name I dare not try and spell. I'm glad people are naming the jew and exposing them to the same treatment they've been doling out for centuries. Fuck em' they are vile parasites that need to be eliminated from all halls of power and institutions of public influence.

( @hutcheffect )
@White__Rabbit Are there any Poles beginning to understand the role Warsaw Jews had in killing 50,000 Germans in the Danzig Corridor to lure Hitler? Do they realize that their government had been promised financial support from Allied nations, with overwhelming Jewish advisors, if Germany just happened to go to war with them?
Call it a happy thought ...

( @TolFuinArcher )

That man has some steel in his spine, unlike American politicians.

#Poland #Talmud #KalergiPlan #WhiteGenocide #antiWhite #14Words #Jews

( @GermanicMechanic )
@White__Rabbit Hopefully the new Polish Hitler?

@White__Rabbit Exposing satanism in all it's cowardly unholynes. They will be destroyed and they can't stand it. BLESSINGS TO THE HEAVENLY FATHER OF MANKIND ONE AND ALL.



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