ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist
RE: [JFL] Foid co-worker telling me what she did on the weekend
Don't know why she feels like it's necessary to keep me updated on her social life but fucking hell is it annoying. I have to hear all about which bar/club she went to and how drunk she got and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "I'm a dumb white bitch" blah blah
She has the fucking nerve to ask me if she can borrow my tools and then on lunch break tell how much money she spent at the casino
Shes trying to give you the feeling that she's interested in you so she can get your shit for free.
The second you give it to her, she will ghost you.
Never help women. Never support women.
The casino shit is supposed to make her seem innocent and dumb so you go "oh women, you know how they are wink wink" and hand over your fucking tools or worse: Do the job she needs the tools for for her as a favour.
Trust me, I have 3 sisters and multiple very manipulative female relatives. No sneaking by me cunt.
Stop talking to that worthless cumskin whore. She'll use you and throw you away like a tampon.
Fuck her.
The only drill you should give her is drilling her ass.