Submitter’s note: This is part 60 in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, which was originally a riff on the Disney Version of Alice in Wonderland, but now… let’s just say that we’re well past “off the rails”.
Panel 1: Tour bus in graveyard full of greco-roman statuary. “And here, the graveyard of the White Gods”
Panel 2: Tourists in bus. “Once proud and mighty lords of Europe, now extinct”
Panel 3: Tour guide is revealed to be both a Brainlet Wojack and Woke Zombie, wearing a Jewish Kippah/Yarmaluke. “All Conquered by God”. Tourist: “No way”
Panel 4: Tour Guide: “Yah, Weh”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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