Vaccines do not exist.
All vaccines are toxic poison. No exceptions. even the word 'gene therapy' is extremely misleading. the idea that you can protect yourself against a non-existent Virus is insane and nonsensical.
"Vaccines do not exist. All vaccines are toxic poison"
These statements are mutually exclusive. They cannot both be true. You're trying to say something else, i'm sure, but this is just babbling.
Dim Sage Mystic appears to use their middle name as just a name, nothing sagely about them
But this idiot is combining a distrust of vaccines with a complete denial of biology. Ignoring any issue with vaccines, we know about viruses. Have known, for ages. We can literally look at them and see their effects on cells.
In that case, please refrain from ever setting foot into a hospital, or taking any kind of medicince. Even horse dewormer is wasted on you. And you don’t want to get that pOiSoN in one of these leftist hospitals anyway, do you now?
the idea that you can protect yourself against a non-existent Virus is insane and nonsensical.
You are right, the idea of protecting yourself against a non-existent virus is nonsensical. Thankfully protecting yourself and others against existent viruses is the actual goal.
(Yes, I know what he’s trying to say, he’s just so bad at saying it I couldn’t resist)
The fact that Smallpox exists only in sample flasks in certain labs around the world: with debate amongst scientists to this day about if they should be kept for future virological research or destroy such, thus making it extinct .
Question: If vaccines don't exist, how is this particular virus in as much a parlous state as is your 'argument', OP...?!
What ultimately happened to Smallpox is proof that the vaccine against such worked a little too well.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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