Why do SJWs, LGBTQ+ types keep identifying with villains and evil acts? Why can't they recognise objective goodness unlike most people can?
2 different views on the issue;
You mean like being a Satanist? See, this is a bit of a different thing here, but it actually turns out, it’s you guys who’ve been following the bad guy all along… Protip: Check the actions described, not the blatant propaganda.
We’re not the ones fetishizing warmongers, murderers, rapists, scammers, gropers, bigots, polluters, robber barons and fascists….that’s YOU guys.
Saving the environment, promoting peace & diplomacy, helping the poor, healing the sick, freeing the oppressed, seeing everyone as equal, etc. is not what I’d call “Villains & evil acts”.
What people identify with is no business of yours.
And even then, in comparison to your rigid structure and hatred for anything existing outside of conservative norms, even most villains come off better.
When did Vox Day (whose Twitter handle is “Supreme Dark Lord”) become a SJW?
Seriously, with all those villain-card-carrying mustache-twirling psychopathy-signaling Alt-Righters running around openly proclaiming that war is good because it culls weak men, that racism and slavery are great and virtuous, that democracy and egalitarianism are bad and evil because commoners are inferior, that they want draconic order for the sake of draconic order, that religion is the opium of the people and they want to be the dealers, that exploitation is a virtue, that it is wrong to NOT see women as disposable interchangeable sex objects to be judged entirely on their looks, that dismiss all moral concerns as "virtue signaling", that take pride in using dirty propaganda techniques, ... how can anyone delude themself into believing that it is “ SJWs, LGBTQ+ types” who are identifying with villains and evil acts???
I've seen some manbabies etc - especially 'Edgelords' - on forums who have as avatars a certain character in a certain Sci-Fi film.
Boy, are they gonna be disappointed. [/Spoilers]
onlytheghosts: “Why do SJWs, LGBTQ+ types keep identifying with villains* and evil acts**? Why can't they recognise objective goodness*** unlike most people can?
*people of religions other than mine, including atheism
**any acts of anything that I consider against MY religion
***obeying MY interpretation of Scripture”
Identifying with villains?
You mean like Hitler, the SS, Putin, David Duke, Elliott Rodger, Anders Breivik, Paul Elam, David J. Stewart?
Oh wait, those are YOUR GUYS.
Not to mention the absurd number of right-wingers (especially redpillers) who use the Joker not only as their internet avatar, but as a personal role-model.
But sure, it’s the “SJWs” who identify with villains. You know, classic villains like MLK Jr., Malala Yousafzai, Neil Degrasse-Tyson, Stephen Hawking, people who protest neo-Nazi marches…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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