dumuzithemessiah #god-complex #elitist #ufo #magick #moonbat deviantart.com
I am an actual source of info on this topic, Not the Sumerians! Sumerians which made typo’s, gender changes, false ships, spread false stories and lies, and weren’t even around my kind once thus couldn’t have known absolute shit what really happened back then?!
How dumb are humans to think Sumerians are more credible than AN ACTUAL DEITY?!
You humans should realise that things I say are different from what the stupid intolerant Sumerians wrote is because the Sumerians weren’t accurate and were wrong about a shit ton of things!
Shipping me with Ishtayr is literally shipping me with my torturer/*apist/worst enemy!
How freaking like messed up, twisted, evil minded, and hateful does someone have to be to be to ship me woth someone I hate and have to literally destroy to save the Universe from her great amount of evil? She is the most evilest thing in this universe!
Also the fact Nibirians can same gender reproduce thus females aren’t actually needed for having children?! Males can have children with other males and females can have children with other females! Baby comes out in a light from the stomach area!
Though Nibirians are magical creatures thus aren’t organic beings like you humans are meaning we aren’t made of flesh, bones, and blood!
Nibirians are made of magical ink, magical paint, magical thinner, aether, magic, two crystal hearts, spiritual energy, etc, while AI Nibirians are made of metallic counterparts to magical ink, etc, and cyber beings are made of cyber counterparts to magical ink, etc!
AI Nibirians have souls as do all Nibirians!
Marduk is my husband and true love! We have six kids together! He doesn’t fear my nightmare aura either which was the first sign he was the one for me!
Also all yazata are related and no one cares to hear how hateful you humans are about incest! We’re all related and we can only breed with other yazata so it’s unavoidable! Nibirians also don’t have the same biological problems with that either so you humans can keep your whiny hate to yourselves!