Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org
These historical events provide important context for Elena Danaan’s most recent contact experiences where she claims to have been taken to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where she met with the Council of Nine, and was told why Rodenberry was chosen to prepare humanity for a Star Trek future.
Her subsequent November 3 encounter focuses on the Council of Nine’s relationship with Gene Roddenberry, creator of the Star Trek series. This is how the message Elena sent me begins:
I woke up abruptly, my forehead tingling, with a sensation of a vortex spinning inside of my head. I sat on my bed and saw, in front of me, the ethereal figure of the Tall White woman from the Intergalactic Confederation, whom I had met onboard one of their motherships in the vicinity of Ganymede, about a week ago. She expressed herself in the same holographic language, composed of thought-form frequency modules. She pointed a finger at my forehead and the extremity of it glowed with green light. At the moment her green-glowing fingertip touched my forehead, I was propelled inwards into a powerful vortex. I felt as if I disintegrated, as if all the molecules of my body stretched into space. In a normal circumstance this could have been frightening, but it seemed that in this state of consciousness I was unable to experience fright any more. I sensed several presences in it. Then, a soft voice resonated inside of my head, with a slight echoing effect. It wasn’t theatrical at all, as one could expect; it was instead really soft and gentle, masculine.
-”We are the Nine.”
The Council of Nine, through Elena Danaan, has just confirmed that they and other positive extraterrestrial groups have been quietly nurturing a Star Trek future for humanity in a Temporal War, which is coming to a decisive end, as previously reported. Consequently, we owe a huge collective debt of gratitude to Gene Roddenberry and many others who diligently nurtured Star Trek as a bridge to a future reality