various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy
(Frederick Camacho)
What I see as what the Republicans rail against simple understanding of American culture and American way of life is. The Left/progressive introduce an unacceptable alternative to our culture. Most of the culture shifts deemed acceptable to the Left, were 15/20 years ago were considered an abomination to civilized people. The Roman Empire traveled down the same path it to crumbled from the weight of wokeness.
(Born Free)
So grateful to be an American, not a Democrat. We protect kids, defend our border, language, and culture, promote true education (pretty sure China, Russia and Japan don't spend their kids' time learning DEI, CRT revisionist history and Core math lol). We defend our individual rights, and know that the more government there is, the fewer rights we each have.
(alienjon jones)
Socialist like all destructive hate groups should be monitored. Unions do not do people any good today. The Republicans are the ones standing up for the Jews. Who was it that moved the embassy to Jerusalem like the past five presidents said they would do? ( oh yeah Pres Trump a Republican)
Which party continues to attack the supreme court? yes Demo
Which party attacks the US Constitution and individual rights? yes demo
Who has practice the same eugenics ideal as Hitler? yes Democrats.
Who has ran beautiful cities into the ground?
Yes demo
Who are the party of racist thugs? yes Demo again.
(J. H.)
Leftists suddenly have an issue with canceling people Yet try to claim Republicans are the Hypocrites. The things being cancelled are being done by trash human being leftists. The Republicans, the good ones anyway, are trying to stop the Degradation of society, and the immoral things being done by the leftists to destroy our country and remove God.