various commenters #transphobia

Instagram post that so many of my friends are sharing saying trans people are being systemically genocided

( ItsCalculated )
This is Q-anon levels of delusional conspiracy theory.

( Researcher1536 )
Different side of the same crazy ideological coin.

( snorlax )
y'know, I've never met a qanon person. I don't think anyone has ever amputated anything in the name of qanon, or given kids chemical castration drugs because of it. so to me, gendercrap seems much more dangerous as conspiracy theories go.

( hmimperialtortie )
The dehumanisation is all their own. They make themselves physically repulsive to match their personalities, indulge every disgusting fetish under the sun, and threaten to murder any women who object.

( TerfPersephone )
Oh ffs. I’m sure we can all recall that when Jewish people were being imprisoned in ghettos and death camps, that they had the unequivocal support of billionaires, the pharmaceutical industry, and celebrity advocates. No? Well, what about the Tutsi - there were flags, and marches, merchandise, and technological powerhouses constantly advocating for their interests while the Hutus planned their slaughter. Still no?

It’s almost like TRAs and their handmaidens are manipulative and petty paper-tigers who have one card they like to play more than any other in their bid for social dominance: emotional manipulation. Threats of self-harm and/or suicide have worked very well for some time now. What hasn’t worked well is “uplifting trans voices” - because trans voices are batshit insane. “Trans rights” aren’t about rights - they’re about privileges, and the expectation that the rest of society (but especially women) should just bend the knee to any demands made by TRAs. And it’s getting easier and easier to see just how entitled and crazy these people are when they warble on about their own “genocide”. Apparently, forbidding children from being chemically sterilized or mutilated is “anti-trans”. And the more these jackasses rant and rave about the oppression of other people having healthy boundaries, the larger the amount of people waking up and calling this trans-activism the absolute bullsh*t that it is.



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