Like Spuki Kitty says, Sodomites are selfish, egotistical people, people who’d rather enrich themselves than help others. People like Joel Osteen, or the Orange Clown.
Same-sex marriage was enacted for equality’s sake. If a man has a right to marry a woman, a woman should have that right too. It IS freedom, it’s not a weapon against it. There are no laws forcing anyone to support homosexual marriage either. The two ARE equal. My heterosexual relation has not perpetuated the human race. Neil Patrick Harris’ HAS.
Lowest socioeconomic cost? Sure, IVF is not cheap, but that is true whether it’s for an infertile straight couple or a gay/lesbian couple. People having children all willy-nilly, without any thought to it and without actually wanting to care for them (almost exclusively heterosexual couples*) can cause much higher socioeconomic costs for society; medical care (both physical and mental) for abused, molested and/or neglected children, petty crimes, not so petty crimes, abusive and rapist men (and a few women), etc. People who have to fight to have a child, perhaps pay a lot of money for it to happen, they usually take very good care of that child once they have it.
Marriage has no value, in and of itself. It’s just a very standard contract between two adults, and with the state to some extent. By nature, it’s neither moral nor immoral. It’s just a couple promising to take care of each other, making sure that the partner has the same living standard, caring for any children, whether their own or “bonus” children.
Forgot the explanation to the asterisk:
* Not All Heterosexual Couples, of course. Most are fine and do care for their children.