The Orange Clown has thick skin? You MUST be joking! He’s the most thin-skinned, easily-offended, miffed, narcissistic snowflake IN THE WORLD!
He’s been treated with kid-gloves, compared with how most presidents and candidates have been treated.
His sweet wife? She seems very high-strung, and there’s not an iota of love perceivable between them. I can understand why you want to protect a child from the attention in the White House; you wouldn’t want a similar incidence as when Chelsea Clinton was called “the White House dog”, now would you? Come to think about it, Chelsea has been tormented worse than #45, and she has handled it much more gracefully than cry-baby Trump has, though she was a CHILD when it happened, and he’s an old man.
Mrs. Obama was a much more graceful and intelligent FLOTUS, than the former Nude Model is. She used her own speeches, she didn’t borrow from her predecessor.
Oh, and among educated people, it’s considered VERY rude to misspell a person’s name, asshole! I was taught that in seventh grade. What grade are you in, dearie? She’s MELANIA, not Melanie, nitwit.