Gaia Staff #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack
Rupert Sheldrake is one of those scientists that his community has largely shunned as a heretic. Despite studying at Harvard and graduating from Cambridge with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, the scientific community has dismissed his radical ideas as nonsensical and blasphemous. Sheldrake admittedly started his career in science as an atheist, but eventually had an epiphany about our consciousness that changed his outlook.
Sheldrake has proposed an idea he calls, morphic resonance. Essentially, the idea is that there is a collective consciousness within species that can impact disparate groups of organisms without them having to come into contact with each other. A sort of telepathic connectedness that can influence behavior and can be passed down through immediate generations.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake discusses morphogenetic fields and the experiments he has run to prove telepathy between humans and telepathy between humans and animals. Sheldrake explains that everything in nature has a morphogenetic field, an invisible pattern in space that contains the collective memory of that species and that these fields are the organizing principles that apply to that species.
Scientific Dogma
Does it come as any surprise that Sheldrake’s hypothesis has been flat-out rejected by most of the scientific community? He has been so often referred to as a heretic that it’s essentially a title in his name. But he takes it in stride and it’s actually the perfect insult coming from a community that he sees as being ironically dogmatic.