Dat_Roche #sexist reddit.com

Roasties hate gun rights because they level the playing field for self defense

In the ideal world for roasties, Chad is able to beat you up, torture you, kill you even, at any time and for any reason. Thinking about Chad killing an incel gets them wet.

So roasties hate gun rights as a group because it means chad cant arbitrarily dominate you any more

I live in a country where guns and any sort of self defense weapon are banned. The end result is that large areas of cities are dominated by gangs of knife wielding and bottle-acid throwing thugs. Men hate this but women love it because they get off on the idea of being ravished by a violent thug.

Never give up your rights to self defense or you'll end up like my country: a chad boot stomping on an incel head, forever.

Ps I'm not advocating any sort of violence but self defense is always justified if you're being attacked. In my country self defense is practically illegal



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