Lisa Oswald #magick #ufo #crackpot

Your soul's origin is where it all began.

It's where energy first showed up as the Big Bang of you. It’s when you chose a unique frequency to manifest in your form for all time. This Origination Moment of imploding energy contains the complete and total awareness of yourself along with infinity, not only in this lifetime but in all existences throughout creation.

The Pleiadians’ gift to humanity and all sentient Beings is the knowledge of this moment and how to experience it with the Ripple Point. This point is a beautiful light receptor site, a single vortex of energy in front of you where you can download soul information. It is instrumental in self-awakening because it’s the command post for your soul and how energy is distributed in the chakras’ vibrational system, thoughts, and feelings. It is also connected with soul purpose.

These do-it-yourself instructions for the Ripple Point come with eleven variations and many practical applications, so you can easily recall the important parts of your energy and integrate that wisdom into your personality, physical body, emotions, and joyous expression of uniqueness
The soul is at the top of your energy network, which includes the lightbody, your cord of purpose, your higher self, and your soul group if you have brought one with you. These channeled transmissions take you on a journey through this Earthly passage as you move through the stages of life and cross over to the next.

What happens with your first breath?
How does childhood impact our self-image?
What is the nature of the mind, our personality, and the purpose of emotions?
What should you do if you sense you have a large soul group?
Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage, and can I find my soul mate?
Do we have any choices when we cross over onto the Ladders of Life?
Is there any value in knowing our past lives?
Can we really step off the pages of the Akashic records and end the cycle of reincarnation?
What would your last lifetime be like?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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