starry & rezkidsinlove #moonbat #racist #transphobia

Although thinking about this, I wonder what the ethnicity split is among TERFs. Since trans culture is such a white thing (generally only, of course), maybe that reflects on TERFs as well? Although POC are also way more likely to see the light earlier in these issues, lol.

You know?

I was watching TikToks by native creators recently, and there was one that was talking about old stories in our collective native cultures, signs for when the apocalypse was on its way.

Some of them you kind of have to think about in an abstract way. For instance, "A large black poisonous snake will slither across the land" could be a foretelling of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

One I remember is "Men will dress as if they are women, and women will dress as if they are men."

Now, I'm not sure if I generally believe these (I'm not super religious or traditional in my own culture. Another prophecy warns tattoos and piercings are another sign and I have a number of those 😅) but its certainly a little spooky when its all stacked together.

No matter what you want to think, though, its pretty plain that Native cultures always knew there was a difference in the sexes, there were always gender roles, and that mixing and matching them were definitely taboo, if not outright feared, enough that this prophecy has been echoed through the generations. We didn't live in some androgynous, genderless utopia where transwomen were worshipped "like gods" like they like to say they were 🙄



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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