White House #racist cnbc.com

The White House on Tuesday afternoon posted a video online showing immigrants in shackles being prepared to board a deportation flight from Seattle

The video includes footage of a set of handcuffs and chains jingling as they are pulled from a basket containing other shackles and then laid out on the airport tarmac next to four other sets of restraints

The X post by the White House is titled, "ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight"

ASMR is a nonclinical term that stands for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response." It refers to a pleasant, tingling feeling some people experience when watching videos featuring unusual sounds, like whispering or fingernails tapping on a surface

One shot in the 41-second video shows an immigrant with his hands cuffed in front of him and ankles bound by a chain as he walks past an officer

Other shots include a close-up of a man having his handcuffs linked together, a man's feet in chains as he walks up a stairway to a plane, and a man about to board the aircraft. None of the men in the video have their faces shown

But the clip and the White House's description of it capture the enthusiasm in the Trump administration and among the president's supporters for his mass deportations

The video was shared earlier Tuesday by the Seattle office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, with the words: "REMOVAL FLIGHT. A group of undocumented aliens are flown from Seattle as part of a process to finalize return to their home countries"[…]
But the video shared by the White House opens with a different clip: An officer standing behind a shackled migrant, appearing to roll down the collar of the person's jacket or hooded sweatshirt[…]
The White House retweeted the original ICE video without commentary at 12:19 p.m. ET. Then, about 90 minutes later, the White House tweeted the edited version with the "ASMR" comment

Tesla CEO Elon Musk[…]six minutes later reposted the White House "ASMR" tweet, writing, "Haha Wow"



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