Aiyen #wingnut #conspiracy

After their conduct during the past few years, yes, liberals in general should be considered evil. Pre-Covid I thought that a lot of them were honestly misguided, and even the more consciously harmful ones were more grifters, and less genocidal freaks. Then came thirty million deaths in the Covid crisis, some from the disease, some from the vaccine, some from lockdowns. That's almost three Holocausts, and we should judge accordingly. Throw in the active aiding and abetting of child rape in Europe, the increasingly mask-off anti-Whitism and growing atrocities like transing kids, and I do not think it is reasonable to consider anyone who voluntarily stays on the side of the demons to be a good person.

Remember, these people live in, if not as free of countries as I'd like, then still countries in which they usually don't need to jump on board the bandwagon to stay safe. And countries in which, if there isn't as much honest media as I'd like, then still countries in which one can learn about what happened, and why. And they still choose this. It is very hard to imagine a moral standard that condemns anything we would consider bad that doesn't condemn this, and in capital terms.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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