Steve Beckow #ufo #magick #conspiracy
If you wish to watch the demise of a paradigm, read on.
The paradigm destined to fall is Darwin’s model of natural selection.
That model is offered instead of creationism. But I’m afraid creationism is about to get a big boost from the Creator herself, the Divine Mother.
If we were to search New Maps of Heaven, we’d encounter examples of school children on the other side designing new types of plants. P
Let’s place that at one end of the spectrum of creationism: schoolchildren designing vegetation.
Way down at the other end is the Divine Mother saying that she’s in the process of creating a new species of human, which Ivo of Vega named homo universalis. She asks us:
Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing.
She tells us:
DM: We are creating a new species — if I say it this way, you will understand — a new species of human, conscious, heart-directed, brilliant, creative and determined.
Her word is decisive for me and lays to rest all theories of radical change being the result of mutation or natural selection of species.
How is this radical change in species carried out? The Mother simply decrees that no more homo sapiens will be born but that all humans from now on will be born as homo universalis.
There we have the first divinely-engineered creation – homo sapiens – and now the second that we know about – homo universalis.
If our scientists were to keep their eyes and instruments on what’s happening – a species change by divine decree – then we couldn’t ask for a more fertile time to be on watch. We’re in the midst of a change from one human species to another. Doesn’t happen every week.
The last change was many thousands of years ago; who knows when such a rich research and observational opportunity to watch the mutation of a species will come again?