Atavistic Autist. Akhnai and needsolution #sexist #psycho

(Atavistic Autist)
[Serious] The Bolsheviks converted churches into public restrooms after the October Revolution; foids should similarly be made into public toilets after ours!

Foids are the deities of modern society, which is completely geared towards fulfilling their interests and making them feel worshiped.

As part of overthrowing the religion that serves them, we need to reduce foids into the mere toilets that they are. Cucks (the holy believers of gynocentrism) cannot exist when there is a naked foid chained up on every street corner, whose only purpose is to consume bodily fluids!

Discuss this and more ways of blaspheming gynocentrism/desecrating foids once we achieve power and are able to use the coercive means of the state to humiliate our enemies.


A good idea tbh.
Naked foids serving as public toilets would also serve as a reminder to other foids how they will end up if they try to prop a rebellion

seems to be good idea tbh ngl



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