Anonymous (ID: Eg+natq2) #homophobia #transphobia

(Note: this is from last year)

OPERATION: PRIDEFALL - Begins June 1st>What is Operation Pridefall?
It's quite simple. every June, hundreds of massive corporations band together to smother social media with posts in favor of "Pride Month", a code word for the degeneracy that is LGBT activism. Many of these accounts are rather small and get very little engagement, yet they continue to post without backlash.
Beginning on JUNE 1ST, The goal of Operation Pridefall is get on twitter, Instagram, etc. and drop a shitton of disturbing redpills on homosexuality on the comments of the lesser known pages.
The bigger pages are ok targets, but posts tend to get unnoticed in the sea of other comments. Commenting on smaller pages (~100 likes or so) means anyone who views it will see the posts, and companies will reconsider their posts afterwards

>How do I do this?
1. Get a phone number: There are a million apps that give out a phone number, pick one.
2. Get an email: Making a burner email with Gmail is simple and quick.
3. Sign up for twitter using steps 1 and 2 to verify.
4. Post away!

There many different companies to target each year, we will use these threads to coordinate and post salt afterwards.
See below for a .zip of all my images saved so far + the OP images and the pastebin

>Have you ever done this
A trial run last summer was run with decent success but we can do much better.

>Any specific guides?
Keep it normie palatable/friendly. This means no Nazi/Hitler shit, the goal is to make them question whether what they are supporting is really the right thing. Just like IOTBW, THERE IS NO PHASE 2!!!

Shut the fuck up you double nigger it's called clean formatting

>Image and OP Image Archive

Good luck anons, and good hunting.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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