David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I get disgusted every time I meet military women, particular the older hags. They are bossy, jerks, bullies, tough, rough and rotten people in many cases. They make ungodly feminists everywhere proud! Feminism is the rot of America. I cannot stomach manly women who give orders. I walk away from them in disgust laughing. This bratty breed of rebellious females today, who get offended every time women aren't elevated to the level of a man, are a curse upon our land.

This is what is meant about the coming Antichrist in Daniel 8:25b, “...and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Democracy is mob rule! America is a ticking timebomb! We are utterly destroying ourselves with the liberty and freedom God which has entrusted to us. We are fools! God didn't give us freedom to fornicate and commit adultery, and to have abortions to murder the unwanted children conceived through sexual immorality. God didn't give us freedom to walk around nude in public, take the Lord's name in vain in every movie, get drunk at parties, and to legally marry homosexuals and let them adopt children. We have abused our freedom, destroying ourselves with peace. When the Antichrist comes, he will complete the destruction, taking liberty to the ultimate low as the reigning Man of Sin!

Something is very wrong in a society when women are liberated to positions of leadership, cops, judges, soldiers and senators. In ancient Rome it was not so. Women knew their place in society. Any time women rise to power, so does Satan! Look at the fruit of feminism in America—a degenerate culture of lesbianism, abortion, fornication, divorce and rebellion. The facts speak for them self! America has become 'THE GREAT SATAN' in the eyes of the rest of the world. We are arrogant, full of hubris and stubborn pride, which we think is a good thing, but it is destroying us. We have no right to force our abortion filth, through forced sterilization programs on other nations. We have no right to force our homosexual filth on others. Who do we think we are? Who do we think we are to force our naked American culture on other cultures? We are so spoiled rotten as Americans! Our attitudes are contemptible. American women wear clothing as do prostitutes, yet we condemn and call for women's rights in Muslim cultures, so they can become sluts, whores and naked barbarians like our shameful females. I SAY, TO HELL WITH THE UNITED STATES!!!

There is nothing more despicable today than America's empowered, angry and rebellious women. American woman, stay away from me!



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