cautiousculpeo #magick

(No True Scotsman, the Indigenous edition)

NaysPinClub: What cryptid do you want made into a plushie the MOST?

Pat_the_Flareon: Windego

cautiousculpeo: The w*ndigo is an indigenous monster it’s not a cryptid… please don’t use the name if you don’t know the intentions behind it.

Pat the Flareon: No you do your research it is an indigenous cryptid from their folklore look it up, and I will tell you this rethink in how you phrase things because if you read it you wrote it like you were attacking someone and not advising them to knowledge they didn't know.

cautiousculpeo: Did you just tell me to research my own culture what. Yeah no. I offered warning. Don’t use that name if you don’t know what that name means. All you do is put your own life on the line even THINKING the name. Whatever if you don’t want to listen not my funeral.

Pat_the_Flareon: I'm native American too I know the folklore and the legends because I've done research since I had no one to teach me and like I said rethink phrasing because the way you are phrasing things is coming out hostile

cautiousculpeo: If you are indigenous you should know why you don’t mention or think his name. Whatever man. You are the hostile one and you are fighting with fire in a dangerous way. Not my funeral



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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