NotCis #moonbat #transphobia

Where's the backlash against Texas?

Where are all the businesses lining up to announce that they won't do business with Texas anymore because of the new restrictions on women's rights? Where's the NCAA announcing that it won't host tournaments and events there? If you ever needed proof that trans activism gets more attention and corporate support than women ever did, it's in this silence.

The difference between the response to NC over bathroom bills and the response to abortion rights is what peaked me on the democrats. I don’t know who to vote for anymore.

I won't be voting for Democrats again. The state of California, which is in a Democrat stranglehold and nearly always has been, banned state-funded travel to Texas over the "bathroom bills." Crickets now.

I did vote Dem, always have, but in recent years it's been more because "the other side is even worse." I used to be an enthusiastic Democrat but I can no longer stomach voting for a party that does not recognize women as human. I'm considering emigrating.

Not voting is better than voting for any political party.

Democrat: Pro-"trans" no matter what, misogynistic, and homophobic.

Republican: Pro-"trans" when it's convenient (e.g. "trans the non-conforming and gay away"), misogynistic, and homophobic.

Yeah, I agree. I’m at the point where I can no longer go along with “the Dems are better than the alternative.” The climate change argument was compelling for a while but at this point we’re so fucked I don’t know if it matters as much as I once thought. It does matter, but Dems aren’t exactly ramming through a carbon tax right now.

Britain's not that bad (TERF Island wooo) but good luck emigrating here with the new hostile policy after Brexit. Although it's mostly Eastern Europeans and brown people that they like to bully so maybe it's better if you're American.

Are there immigration limits because of Covid as well?



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