Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy


Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 3 downloads:

Ascension Class recording (mp3) THE CODE OF THE BLUE NILE - Humanities Collective Emotional Body and more on the Planetary Astral Body and Giza Stargate relationship. Why Summer Solstice timeline is Important. More on the Blue Ray 144 Genetic Timekeepers and the Oraphim consciousness of 13D and beyond. Discussion on the 11:11 Michael Families and the 3-6-9 dimensional connections to the Nephilim and 55 Reversal Grid. Why is the Reversal 55 grid and the 45 Degree Merkabic Angles important? Current Starseed and planetary gridkeeping updates for ES community and our Galactic Family Role. (1:26:47 minutes)
Ascension Q&A: Lisa answers submitted questions. (51:15 minutes)
Alpha/Omega Clearing - Heavy and in depth Alpha to Omega Zip Core Clearing when you have more time for sleep integration and recovery (A ZIP clearing is referred to as a A-Z, top to bottom, bottom to top, internal to external, external to internal, 12 Bodies, etc. You do not want to ask for ZIP clearing unless you have time and space to integrate the opening of zip clearing files) Release entrapment or obfuscator cords of complex soul or entity bindings (de-possessions) and assign new gatekeepers for Ascension in Cosmic Christ (Eternal) Intelligences. Harmonic imprints reinstalled to all layers of 12 primary seed codes of DNA ladder. Protection and cloaking strengthening through the Golden Fleece Buffers (8D Monad and 14D fields admin by RA Family). Remove victim victimizer archetypes and related matrices from the cellular memory sourcing from ancient battles within the history of this Universal Time Matrix. Establish Independent divine right choice of each being to ensure Single Soul Occupancy, if so in divine right order and harmony (release Indigo 3 or split soul contracts if it is so in right timing). (43:54 minutes)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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