Che #racist #conspiracy

[New Release] [JUST BE ARAB BRAH] Why Arabs can't lose at life

Remember when i said Looksmax makes me depressed because there is no "Just be Arab theory" on there?
But here is a new theory released boyos! I made scientefic searches on why there is no just be an Arab Theory, actually there is one, but everybody is afraid to announce it or say because the Elite don't want you to know it.

After 6 minutes of thinking, I came to this conclusion:

As a white, if you're not a Chad or a chadlite at least, you'll never get a girl to desire you, the best thing you can do in this situation is going er on your school, but again you'll go to hell and loose too, so yeah, Chad wins, you loose.

As an Arab:
Even if you're not a chaddam, or a chaddamlite, you can go and join Isis and die in the battle and get 72 virgins to welcome you at heaven, that's why Arabs can't loose at life, if you disagree then you're coping, cuck belly.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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