I think, on average, we are more good looking than IT cucks.
When i think about us, incels, i picture something like this:
Skinny white guys with ugly faces. That's how i picture us.
So.. i guess we are ugly, but let's compare the picture above with the average cuck:
I mean, i wouldn't think about it twice: being a cuck is... miserable.
I also think that this is the reason we, despite being ugly, do not compromise to being cucked. Cuck is so inferior that he is FORCED to become bluepilled and drink Chad's cum. We have a shread of dignity because, despite being ugly, we do not look ridiculous.
The men depicted are not really different in attractiveness. Really, the difference between the groups are that one of them is staring emptily/creepily and the other are obviously overacting screams of joy. Being taken out of their original context, there is no way to tell if any of these men actually belong to the groups they were assigned to stand for, nor how representative the picture is of their normal demeanour.
In any case, this is an excellent demonstation that incel fantasies about their detractors being "cucks" and "white knights" are a desperate attempt to convince themselves that there are men even they can look down to, and to dismiss anyone who has managed to do what they (claim to) desire but have no hope for ad hominem .
It’s not that the people in first pic look ugly. They look angry and very unhappy .
The people in the second pic don’t look much different than the first. The main difference, incels? They look like they’re happy.
So, i have been having sex for thirty years and i am miserable?
Yeah, whatever it takes for you to wank satisfactorily, i guess. You are the superior being. I just have three kids and a hickey.
In addition to what the other commenters have said, one group of men is clean shaven and has very short hair, the other has beards and slightly longer hair. Oh yeah, and the first group all has glasses while the second it’s about half.
How can a group of boys, no matter where they are, constantly claim that they’re all ready to off themselves but then state that they still have dignity, especially compared to guys with jobs & probably families? The lengths these brats are going to so they can convince themselves that they’re happy is staggering. And hilarious.
At Least IT geeks do something useful. And without them, kiddos, you’d have nothing. Then how will you play CoD, steal hentai & spread your ridiculous Mind Virus via subreddits?
Yup, all those guys in the first image look perfectly average.
Oh, and all the guys in the second image ALSO look perfectly average.
The difference is the second group look happy, engaged. The first group looked closed, angry, alone.
Being a “cuck” is pretty much Living Happily Ever-After, dolt.
The ones wanting to “drink Chad’s cum” is clearly “incels”. NO-ONE is as fixated on Chad Anatomy as “incels” are, not even openly gay men.
What you think of as “a shread of dignity” makes you look even more ridiculous than you did before, dolt.
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