
dravid #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

First let me say the point I was making is that, we all know you won't get a chicken from a lizards egg (or whatever!). The fact remains though that for evolution to have occurred, then in theory something like this had to happen....

dude4 #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

I think all of you are being idiots for believing in No-God and bs like that...How would everything start with out him and are you saying everything in the bible is just made up which is pretty much impossable.. Also im pretty sure the worship of God is the longest standing religon.

dude4 #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

... you damn athiests are allowed to have things that degrade Christianity and try to make religous scriptures 'like the 10 commandments' that there is nothing wrong with come off buildings. If you took time to read them you will find out that there is nothing that will offend you...

PsychoGimpy #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

Did you know Charles Darwin, father of this "amazing" theory/truth or whatever you want to call it, flat out denounced his theory before his death?? How can you believe somebody who says that what he said was all a big lie/hoax??? I must say, that's a very very very very very very large coincidence that he jokingly makes a theory and a book up, that is actually true... But hey I guess it is according to you people. I mean if the man who was supposedly Jesus says "OK i lied, I'm not Jesus" could you believe him?? I mean it'd be very hard to believe he actually was if he admitted he wasn't. ON a humorous note, you say we evolved from monkies, well I've met a few monkies i consider more intelligent than humans. In life there are two guarantees after you are born, you will die, and you will pay taxes. So you are paying to die. Ironic isn't it?

zeroc00l #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

ok.. dont get me wrong i have nothing against gays or fags or anything and i understand theyre people and have rights but theres somethign you all need to know:

what the point of marriying gays... in real life people marry in order to make a family (produce children) gays and lesbians cannot do that... so their marriage is pointless

IF you are saying that guays are supposed to be allowed to have children (by adoption for exemple) then you must be f*cking out of ure minds... Would YOU want to be born in a family where your parentsa re gay? i wouldn't i mean.. its not good for the children they will suffer great psychological problems and most probably turn gay themselves (it has been proven that environment does lead to homosexuality)

just like diabetics cant marry to prevent spreading this genetically transmitted disease further.. so should gays be banned from marrying and adopting and corrupting children... whats the big deal.. not everyone was born to be astronaut they can have all the sex they want but when it comes to hurting and corrupting others (especially if its small innocent children or whole societies)

Lord Drizzt #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

are we STILL talking about wood rotting? wood definately does not rot just in 120 years. some type wood rots in about 100 years, other types of wood can still remain perfectly fine over a period of 1000 years. the oldest tree in the world is 5000 years old, and dont tell me that its wood has already rotted up. even if the tree dies, its wood will NOT rot in 120 years. where did you get this idea?

pwn #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

Uri Geller, bends a spoon by thought only. Do you have a scientific explination for that? Can your evolution explain that? Can your theory of evolution explain how 1 man can know what the other is thinking (telepathy)?

ninjaphobos #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

There is plenty of evidence to support a worldwide flood. How do you think those dinosaurs got up in the mountains and died there? Why do we find fossils of aquatic animals like trilobites and such in almost all the rocks in mountains? Is that not evidence that water once covered the whole earth? Also, things like the Grand Canyon could be alternately seen as evidence to support a worldwide flood because if as much water as the Bible claims came out of the earth, it may have been able to dig out channels like that in a much shorter time span than geologists believe happened. I'm not claiming to have any evidence to support this, but it's something we should look at.

none #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

I have spent my whole life debating this question.... The truth is .... Evolution is a joke.. C'mon you pitiful irresponsible cop outs.... The problem is people dont want to be obliged to anyone and they would like to think we are not responsible for their actions... therefore the evolution theory suits you all bexause it makes the whole thing seem like 'just a fluke'.

Dilbert #fundie forums.utopiatemple.com

technically, all evolutionists r racists. if u r offended by that, then u need to re-examine ur beliefs according to evolution, shouldnt ONE species be more dominate than another? so either blacks r better than whites or whites r better than blacks. or maybe its the AZNs who r the best. wait a second! isnt this racism? yes it is.