ok.. dont get me wrong i have nothing against gays or fags or anything and i understand theyre people and have rights but theres somethign you all need to know:
what the point of marriying gays... in real life people marry in order to make a family (produce children) gays and lesbians cannot do that... so their marriage is pointless
IF you are saying that guays are supposed to be allowed to have children (by adoption for exemple) then you must be f*cking out of ure minds... Would YOU want to be born in a family where your parentsa re gay? i wouldn't i mean.. its not good for the children they will suffer great psychological problems and most probably turn gay themselves (it has been proven that environment does lead to homosexuality)
just like diabetics cant marry to prevent spreading this genetically transmitted disease further.. so should gays be banned from marrying and adopting and corrupting children... whats the big deal.. not everyone was born to be astronaut they can have all the sex they want but when it comes to hurting and corrupting others (especially if its small innocent children or whole societies)