
kirkz2006 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to the statement:

"'intelligent design' includes bad design. If a Creator existed then it would be a flawed creator."

Bad design? Like the belief the eye was wired backward that Richard Dawkins claimed in his book, The Blind Watchmaker? But, science eventually caught up with God and determined the eye had to be wired that way for sight to occur.

Gee, ya think mankind might not have learned all there is learn about biology?

Again, life forms demonstrate superior design and complexity than man can create and only someone completely devoid of any rationality would argue that could be a result of random chance rather than a being or beings with superior intelligence

You deserve to be hell for being stupid.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to the question: “So, if people are not born gay, why would anyone choose so difficult a way to go?”)

Why would a pedophile choose to have desires for young children? Are pedophiles born the way they are?

I don’t believe most gays choose to be gay.

That being said, that doesn’t mean they were born the way they are or there is a biological reason for their condition.

Homosexuality has been linked to same-sex child abuse and rejection and fear of the opposite sex.

I have testimony of one former lesbian that grew up around abusive men. He began to hate men and develop sexual desires for other women.

The age old debate is nature vs. nurture.

Homosexual activists and leftists have tried to eliminate the debate to promote their political agena.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

A large percentage of transgender people have anxiety, are depressed, bi-polar, etc. If you have those problems, you cannot serve in the military. Also a lot of them kill themselves...and most all are drama queens. This brings down the morale of all of the military.

There are two sexes. Men. Women. That's all.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(Because there are so many similarities between gay people and bank robbers....)

There are many former homosexuals, just like there are many former alcoholics, former drug addicts, former prostitutes, former adulterers, former bank robbers, former atheists, former thieves, etc...

People can and DO change. They renew their minds and stop caving into sin, anger, hatred, guilt, hostility, addictions, idolatry, adultery, sexual immorality, perversions, etc..

Those who say this can't happen, are easily deceived......just like Adam and Eve were.

A person with unbelief and doubts are easily deceived by Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Evil.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #sexist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Quoting from an article entitled "Why Is The Left So Anti-Baby?"

"What about the Buddha? Here was a handsome prince that dumped his wife and kids and took up the contemplative life. Pretty soon there were Buddhist temples that were as big as cities where rich young men from all over could go and meditate"

Clearly the same thing has happened with the Priests and Pope. They gather together and then wind up homosexual. I guess they figure they can have sex, and no kids will pop out.

This just doesn't work well for society or religion.

Clearly many men have gotten tired of the way women behave now. The women are now abusing the men. They hit them and don't expect to be hit back. They cheat on the men and destroy them. Some of the women have turned to feminism and lesbianism and try to tell society that we don't need men anymore. No wonder we have so many homosexuals now. No wonder the men don't feel needed anymore.

Men have decided they don't want the extra burden of families now because kids are so expensive, wives are expensive, the women give the men no attention after the kids come.....then the KIDS rebel and turn on their fathers AND the mothers. They are unappreciative of what the parents did for them in life.

Why should the men waste their lives on women, and children when things are turning out so badly now.

Many women are feeling the same way. That is why there are so many abortions now. Women think they can jump into bed with all these men and hope that men will respect them for that.

It just doesn't work that way....for men or women.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

lol...There isn't a evolutionists in the history of the group that hasn't quit a debate with me. I have made fool out of everyone of them, including [...].

And, it do it by quoting different factions of evolutionists that rip the other faction's version of evolution to shreds.

The fossil record matches Creationist model and completely contradicts Darwin.

If you want to debate that point, I'll kick your ass.

It's ridiculous to think the first of all fossilized species appear fully-formed with no history of evolving. It's not possible. Nor is it possible we'd find soft tissue inside dinosaur bones if dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. REAL science on fossilization says that is impossible.

Leftists are deluded and arrogant. That will get you an eternal ticket to hell. So be it.

sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

It is all around us. I hear the word...'normalizing' a lot now. Things we never would have dreamed okay just five years ago not only are okay, but anyone that says it isn't are demeaned. Such as transsexuals teaching our children at school, dressed like a freak...we are bad if we don't like it. So many more examples. This happened before our eyes, sped up when Obama was president.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The most hated people in the country are former homosexuals and black conservatives. Both threaten the left-wing political agenda."

Very true Kirk.

They are very brave people to let it be known they were delivered from their addictions to homosexuality and transgenderism. But they are so thankful to be delivered that they don't care what others think of them now. Praise God.

Those who are getting OUT of the liberal democratic party are also praising God for that.

I was watching a YouTube Video the other day about a young man that had joined the Antifa movement, but the minute they clashed with the Patriots, his OWN group threw him in front of their group and allowed the Patriots to get HIM while they took off running!!

That is when he realized he was fighting on the wrong side and he admits he is NOW a Patriot. He said the Patriots were always taking up for the people on their side and even saving them when an Antifa member had one of the Patriots down on the ground.

He said that didn't happen on the Antifa side.

Also, I was watching a YOUTUBE video where an elderly BLACK man was taking sides against the YOUNG BLACKS and their Black Lives Matter Group, calling them angry and evil. He claims he is through with being an angry black man and now sides with GOOD against EVIL. I will never forget look on the young black faces when they realized he was calling them EVIL.


Nicholas #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Interracial marriage/relationships: Dominionists believe that Interracial marriage/relationships contradicts God's Laws, and is indeed unhealthy for Society in general. Dominionists believe that those involved in interracial relationships, should be subject to deportation to another country that accepts such relationships. For those who refuse deportation, Dominionists believe that relocation to Slave/Hard Labor Detention Camps would be appropriate, with Children being allowed to live with their Mothers in such facilities.

dlo_3us2001 #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

In response to the posting of an article from the Daily Mail entitled "One in eight gay men in London has HIV, official figures show":

Just more proof that things are getting worse because of people approving of this sin.

I read where one man thought gay marriage and approving of homosexuality was a good thing UNTIL his family had to be subjected to their perversion.

HIs children were playing in the hotel swimming pool and a whole group of homosexuals were having a party on the balcony of the hotel. He said they were all sucking on each other....

He has now changed his mind about homosexuality since he was subjected to the truth of what goes on.

He was disgusted.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Why monkeys, as they allegedly evolved, lost their tails? A tail a tremendous advantage for a species.

My pastor came up with that one.

It's yet another one of the many examples that can be given why the theory of evolution is an intellectually retarded.

But, let's review what one has to believe to believe in theory of evolution:

1) You have to believe evolution occurred despite the fact that 99.9% of the physical evidence needed for it doesn't exist.

2) You have to believe the first of all animal phylum evolved despite the fact they appear fully-formed the first time they appear in the fossil record after allegedly four billion years. The entire evolutionary fossil history of the first of these species does NOT exist.

3) You have to believe soft tissue, which has been found in dinosaur bones could have survived 65 million years despite the fact that the best studies on fossilization (on Egyptian mummies) indicate that soft tissue can only survive 10,000 years.

4) You have to believe genetic mutations behaved differently in the past then they have been observed to today. There is one that provides proof one species can evolve into another.

The Bible defines faith as EVIDENCE of things unseen.

One must have faith in evidence that doesn't exist to believe in the theory of evolution is a credible one.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Never forget Nero....he started out sane and did some good things in the beginning...until he got into homosexuality, married his SLAVE BOY, killed is own mother, killed other random people on the streets and then turned depraved in the mind.

Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country? Is this the kind of society we want? Is fallen Rome the kind of country we want our country to turn into when we approve of homosexuality?

Homosexuality is doomed for failure, just like Nero and Rome was when all the men were sleeping with slave boys.

Romans 1:28


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Upon the posting of an article entitled "The Liberal Demonization of Josh Duggar":

Jesus warned us over and over that sexual immorality can ruin a person and even their families. This is proof of that.

Duggar repented and is now forgiven by God and hopefully by those he touched inappropriately will also forgive him for his lack of maturity.

At least he didn't have intercourse with them....but those who DO promote sexual immorality, especially homosexuality will be JUDGE by the Word and the laws of God, for the law is made for non believers who do not listen to God/Jesus. 1Tim 1:8-10

Jesus warned us that he would go after any church that promotes sexual immorality with the sword of his mouth.

Rev 2:14-17 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing SEXUAL IMMORALITY. 15 Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the SWORD OF MY MOUTH. 17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

The sword of his mouth is his WORD. With his word he can create or destroy, bless or curse, give life or take life.

Clearly the Lord will not bless sexual immorality, especially homosexuality.

God says homosexuality is a not only a perversion, but that it is also an abomination, detestable, shameful, indecent, depraved, unclean and unnatural.

[Half a page of questionably related bible quotes you can see at the source]


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Atheists and homosexuals ostracize themselves from traditional society and then wonder why they are sad, angry, bitter, not at peace and also wonder why so many of them commit suicide.

Satan takes them over, oppressed them, and then TELLS them to kill themselves and they LISTEN to that voice.

James G. Goff #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Virologists understand that random genetic mutations may induce adaptive changes that allow viruses to evade the drugs used against them.

This understanding comes from experience with viruses, simple observation, and a knowledge of genetics. The Darwinian tale of evolution adds nothing to this understanding, and it makes no predictions that virologists can use to head off the threat of a flu pandemic.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The problem with the pro-choicer/anti-lifer beliefs...... that the baby is just a bunch of cells is...

The pro-choicers ARE just a bunch of cells too.

Should people be allowed to abort pro-choicers for the same reason?


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[W]e had a transgender on this board years ago and this person insisted we call him a SHE.

I wouldn't do it and I took all kinds of crap and manipulation from the LEFT for still calling him a HE.

I felt it was deceitful to try and to pretend that this board member was a she when in fact he was a he.

Can you imagine in real life falsely telling a good male friend of yours that a certain person was a she, even though you knew he was a male and you knew there might be a chance that he would try to go on a date with the pretend she?

You would probably LOSE your friendship for being deceitful, or worse, get punched in the face for it.

I am with you...do not be manipulated by the PC LEFT.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Everyone is NOT pro-life. When you abort a baby, you killed it. I know you disagree, but most women (not all) realize that. I've seen women on the day of an abortion. It is really sad...and she is upset.

Unless you are Chelsea Handler or Jane Fonda or Hillary Clinton -- who think abortion is just dandy up until birth of the baby.

Men use it against women. Either they abandon the woman when she is pregnant and vulnerable as if he never knew her, or they pressure them of how their lives would change if they had a baby.

Fathers, uncles, etc use abortion to cover up what they did to young young girls. PP doesn't even ask questions much of the time (which is illegal). I don't think much of a guy who abandons a woman.

It's always the guys who say they stick up for women who would put pressure on a woman.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted to the group entitled "I’m tired of suppressing myself to get along with white people":

After reading the article from the young black woman who admitted she just wanted to be with her black community. I thought to myself. Isn't that what the young white woman was doing when she chose NOT to worry about what was going on in Ferguson? How come she can't do that?

Why can't the whites be "intentional ignorant" of the problems in the black community if they want to?

We can't solve the problems within the black community. We didn't create it.

The problems have to be solved by the black community. Starting with the MEN who won't marry the women they knock up and aren't around to help bring up the child in a good environment.

Blaming whitey and being jealous of the white community is not going to solve their problems.

Many times whites don't want to be involved with the black community anymore than blacks want to be involved with the white community.

It does work both ways.

Which just proves that we aren't that different after all, right?

Many times blacks and whites get along just fine and learn to accept the differences and look for the similarities. Like their love for Christ. Once a person starts looking at others through Christ and start following his teaching, they don't see it as a white thing or a black thing.

There is no doubt that there is cultural difference and the whites should not be made to feel BAD about it either. They should not be made to feel bad if they are successful.

Many times the whites also feel tired of trying to please the blacks. It gets so bad now a days that the blacks can get away with things that the whites can't now. Like using the N word. Blacks don't lose their jobs for using that word and can even call whites Crackers..... with no retribution or fear of losing their jobs. This isn't right either, but most whites just over look it because it isn't something for them to get in an uproar over. We have enough of our own problems to worry about such things.

Heterosexuals feel the same way about the homosexual community. Most heterosexuals do not want to be around homosexuals and they don't want them around their children or grandchildren. No parents want their child to be homosexual or to think that this is normal. Yet this infuriates the homosexuals for us to feel this way.

Sometimes people just don't mix well together, due to their culture, their religions, their actions, their behaviors, sins, etc....

Just like non believers and Christians....

Even the Lord says: Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.

We live in a fallen world, where things are just not the way they are supposed to be, but that doesn't mean that we have to put up with sin, evil, wickedness and trust everyone.

The Lord says to make a righteous judgment...otherwise there will be chaos.


FairSharFairShar #racist #wingnut groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Poll: Almost Half Of White Southerners Feel Like They're Under Attack" - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/11/22/poll-almost-half-of-white-southerners-feel-like-theyre-under-attack-n2406221):

Like it or not, this is why Trump's style of tweeting is so important for us. If we had a president who made nice nice in his tweets and said something like -- it isn't appropriate for a father to think stealing/shoplifting is okay...people would go ho hum. He is getting us back on track by making a big deal of things that we have been hammered for. You can't say certain things to a black person or about them, but Trump doesn't care what color someone is -- if they are wrong, he goes after them. He is an equal opportunity insulter.

It is helping us to get our voices back.

People are not looking into this deeply or how important it is that he tweets as he does.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(As part of a discussion on the cause of homosexuality, and in response to another member who said, in reply to the posting of an article from a Christian publication which claimed a lesbian had been "cured" of homosexuality: "Christian publicans are first and foremost telling a Christian story. For whatever reason, Christians do not want to believe homosexuals are stuck with being who they are, would rather hold to the idea that they can be 'corrected'. Such a view does not benefit from science, which is secondary to faith for them. This pretty much disqualifies them from the start. I put in the effort only for stuff that at least shoots for objectivity.") (boldface mine)

It's more than absurd and arrogant for you to claim you know more than a former homosexual.

It's a FACT that there are thousands of former homosexuals. It's absurd for anyone to claim they are lying or can understand what they've overcome.

So, you reject the gay gene? What else would cause homosexuality other than environmental causes? Are you claiming homosexuality is hormonal?

If homosexuality was hormonal, it goes to follow there should be a hormonal cure. That's why homosexual activists are so opposed to that theory being the cause of homosexuality.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

In response to another group member, who wrote: "I also know some gays who say they were born that way."

I remember many gays on this board that said the same thing.

I always tells them: God wouldn't bore someone to be gay, anymore than he would bore someone to be a murderer, rapist, thief, prostitute, adulterer, idolater, etc...

Too many times people try to blame God for all the bad things going on in this world, but it is mankind that is causing most of problems.

James 1:13-15

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

John 3:19

And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.

All things that are good are from God.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).


theradicalson #fundie #sexist groups.yahoo.com

All through the Bible, the female is depicted as being the weaker sex, and even proves true today, weak-minded, unable to accept responsibility for their own bodies when it comes to sex, even when it comes to saving the life of another human being. Can't believe you've strayed so far from the Bible that now you even question it.

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted "Muslims DEMAND Locals Don’t Walk Dogs In Public – Violation Of Sharia And “DISRESPECTS” Them"

See, they move in and there aren't many of them. They seem just fine and keep to themselves (even if you try to make conversation with them). Then more and more move in.

Next thing you know, at your grandkids' school fair, there is a scuffle because a man was taking a picture of his kids and a moslem got angry and took the man's camera and smashed it on the ground. Why? Because he said his tented wife was in the picture. The man tried to explain he was only trying to take a picture of his kids.

The next week, parents got a mailer from the school telling them that there were to be no more pictures taken at school unless they take their child over to a certain section and no one else was in the picture.

Bingo. moslems won.

So therefore, they felt empowered. Many people walk to school and bring their dogs on the walk when they pick up their kids after school. moslems had a fit. They got together and said they wanted no dogs on school property. Parents argued that they weren't on school property. They were outside of school property. moslems still didn't like it. A fight ensued.

Finally it was decided that since there is a park next door to the school and people are allowed to walk their dogs right there next to the school, that you cannot make people stop walking their dogs.

moslems in that area have not given up. And when they become the majority, they will insist -- no dogs to be walked anywhere near them.

This is in America. This is at the grammar school my grandchildren went to.


doggie47304 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Quoting from and commenting on an article posted by another member entitled "QAnon Meets The Mainstream At Tampa Trump Rally" http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/qanon-meets-the-mainstream-at-tampa-trump-rally/: "The conspiracy theory—which supposes that President Trump is secretly undoing a global satanic pedophile ring with the help of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and ordering a top-level staffer to share information about the efforts via cryptic posts on the anonymous imageboard 8chan— currently captivates hundreds of thousands of right-wing activists online. Some spend hours per day in chat rooms dedicated to decoding the 'crumbs' (clues) that an anonymous writer using the moniker 'Q' posts online."):

You're retarded, Robert. No mainstream conservative source has discussed,

You're either a liar of nuts to think they would.

You just made an utter fool of yourself trying to pass this off as mainstream.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Comment on an article posted entitled "Texas Capital Dumps Columbus Day for ‘Indigenous Peoples Day":

I'm so sick of Columbus being attacked. He was great man, great explorer and someone that only wanted the best for the people of lands he came in contact with.

The left is determined to rewrite history and demonize white people. It's simply sick. And, the left wonders why it keeps getting hammered at the ballot box.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to and quoting from an article posted entitled "Linda Sarsour Tells Social Justice Rally Attendees to Be Ready to ‘Put Their Lives on the Line’" http://freebeacon.com/culture/linda-sarsour-social-justice-rally-attendees-ready-put-lives-line/):

"I am willing to die for black people, for indigenous people. I am willing to die for Muslim people, I am willing to die for the most marginalized people in this country. I am not afraid."

Oh. So die already.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In reply to another group member who said "Racist, sexist, bigot, Nazi, homophobe....It's all the brain-dead left has to run on" commenting on an article posted entitled "Hillary: GOP Agenda Fanning the Flames of ‘White Supremacy and Misogyny and Homophobia’" http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/12/15/hillary-gop-agenda-fanning-flames-white-supremacy-misogyny-homophobia/):

That is true -- and they use this like a weapon, in order not to talk about how well this country is doing with changes Trump has made.

Blacks' unemployment numbers are at a 17-year low.

More Hispanics are working than ever before. Ever.

They both are getting bigger paychecks.

So the left calls us racist, homophobe, islamaphobe, Aryan, Nazis, white supremacists because their last president was such a dismal failure.

Obama not only appeased our enemies, but he actually helped them. Obama said manufacturing jobs would never come back and had the nerve to tell a guy in his 50s to go into another line of work when he was concerned (btw, the guy was black). I could tell the guy was thinking -- at 50????? You want me to start all over and learn something else? Obama's growth never got to 3. And no one seemed to care. They figured this was the new normal. Nope...it is nearly 4. already under our new President. Food stamp usage is down because people are finding good jobs, many jobs have come back from other countries...not perfect yet, but they are coming back - at least some of them. If he is able to build the wall, it will be incredible for us. If we go with DACA, did you know the projected cost is $2.7 TRILLION in ten years? Trump will probably go with DACA but if he does it without getting the wall, he will lose a lot of people that voted for him to get rid of all these people (bringing housing prices up, destroying roads, accidents, crime, drugs).

That's just a little list...I forgot getting rid of insane and inane regulations.

And he is our social justice warrior with the energy and wherewithal to call out idiotic politically correct nonsense. He takes heat for his tweets, but he is our hero.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

"[T]he problem with women having the right to kill their children is they now start believing they can kill their boyfriends, husbands or hurt anyone else that gets in their way.

Some Women are getting crazier by the day. Have you seen some of the MGTOW YouTube videos. Men are cowering in fear and calling the police due to the way some of these insane women are acting.

When the women hit the man she doesn't think he will hit back, so she keeps abusing the man.

Men are now hitting back and these women are coming unglued over it.

They want equal gender, but when a man hits her back, she gets all up in arms over it.

Young women seem to think they can do whatever they want now. I blame that on abortion and feminist entitlement upbringing.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

So, she thinks these people are both dead and alive? Kinda like Schrödinger's cat?

Once people know there is life after death, the answers open.

There have been people who have actually died and came back who tell us about heaven. That's about as far as we know since we aren't dead yet.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In reply to a comment from another member: "Many of the DACAs were raised in this country from toddler age. They do not speak Spanish. To send them to Mexico would be cruel and unusual punishment, and possibly a death sentence. You are scapegoating."):

I know several and their English is so bad that it is ridiculous. Their parents did not bother making sure they learned English so English was spoken in the home.

It brings everyone down.

One of them is a friend of my granddaughter and she is a good girl -- but she cannot speak English. At first I would cringe and then I started correcting her so that she didn't embarrass herself. She is trying to do better, but when she goes to apply for a job and says something such as *that is mines* instead of *that is mine*, she will be at a disadvantage. Or she says *I seen that* instead of *I have seen that* or *I saw that*. I could go on and on. She was playing cards and she said, *I just drawed that* instead of *I just drew that*. It's like listening to a toddler first learning to speak.

I asked her if teachers didn't correct her English when she wrote it wrong or spoke wrong and she said no, that she never knew it was wrong.

She was one of the top in her class...this is how bad California schools are now. Same as in Maryland. Kids are graduating and not able to pass the tests and not literate.

When someone comes to this country and doesn't learn English, how badly do they want to be here? Her parents have been here over 20 years now and cannot speak a word of English.

That is the measuring stick. Without a common language, you have a divided country. If they can't bother to learn English so their kids speak it at home and give their kids a better chance, then they do not belong here.

What happens when she gets married and has kids...they will either speak gutter English or Spanish. She mostly speaks Spanish now be cause that is what she is used to.

If she stays here, then I feel her parents should go -- because they haven't bothered connecting with America.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "CA Governor Jerry Brown Tried To Build A Liberal Paradise, But Now Residents Are Awakening To A HARSH Reality" - http://www.dcstatesman.com/ca-governor-jerry-brown-tried-build-liberal-paradise-now-residents-awaking-harsh-reality/)

People are leaving [California] BECAUSE:

Liberals are planning to secede from the USA. NO THANKS. I want to keep my USA citizenship.

Liberals are planning to go with Single Payer Health Plan, which will cost those over 65 double for their federal health through Medicare AND for the Single Payer Health Plan that every person will have to pay in CA. NO THANKS.

Liberals are planning to force Californians to buy solar for every house or business they own. NO THANKS.

Liberals are planning to STEAL your money anyway they can, through higher DMV's tags, taxes, higher gas prices, higher minimum wages which increases the price of burgers, pizza, dinners out, merchandise at the malls and stores.

We can't afford to keep giving our money away....so the baby boomers are bailing out.

So are some of the younger parents too. A young couple on YOUTUBE moved to BEND OREGON. They said they didn't want to raise their childreb [sic] in California.



lel817 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Having a happy COLUMBUS DAY. If you think you're a descendent of interlopers, then get the fuck out. This was not a nation until Europeans created it. Before then, it was just a land mass.

theradicalson #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to another member, who commented, in part, in a discussion as to whether a woman's clothing contributes to them being victims of rape: "Why aren't men held accountable for their actions? If a man can't control his sexual urges, why, just as in Muslim states, is it always the fault of the women?" Boldface mine:

I can see this issue hits home with you, it does me too, and I totally agree that men should be held accountable for their actions, especially with something like rape, and most are, if caught. I am not in any way excusing a mans actions against a woman, but sexual desire is probably the strongest desire there is in human beings and it can drive many of us, including me at times, to maybe do some kinky things in the bedroom, or on the kitchen table, or under a pine tree at night on the local golf course, or....oops sorry, got carried away with memories, lol. Seriously though, why is playboy and pornography so popular with men and even women? It ain't because those girls or guys are wearing clothes that cover every inch of them. Girls have the FIRST responsibility in PROTECTING themselves and their bodies. Isn't that what they say when it comes to killing their babies? Well then, it would be unfair and hypocritical to see choic e of clothing to protect themselves from luring eyes and potential rapes as well. Women are well aware when their boobs are hanging out and their asscheeks are showing, constantly aware, because that comes with being born a female and growing up in todays Barbydoll culture. Maybe we should be asking the women WHY they like to dress that way. I'm guessing most of them will agree a big part of it is to feel SEXY. Why is it necessary to feel sexy? To turn men on or catch their eye. Why else?

sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(I believe she mistyped "far left progressive alt right sites" and meant "far left progressive alt left sites" as that is more consistent with the rest of the post and her beliefs)

When some people refuse to watch Fox, which, according to a Harvard study was 52% negative and 48% positive about Trump, they are getting fed lies and no facts.

So if you watch Fox and read fair sites on line, you are okay watching MSNBC or CNN because you can sort it out; but if you only watch the far left progressive alt right sites or listen to them like NPR, you are not going to be able to figure out the truth.

Therefore, unless one is informed, it really isn't a good idea to watch other channels or read alt left sites or listen to them on radio.

When a conservative is found to be wrong, they will apologize at top of your or on page one. Many alt left sites refuse to straighten out their lies.

They are dividing and destroying America.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The theory of evolution doesn't even pass the test as science. Explanations for the missing fossil evidence and for the existence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones aren't testable and, thus, not scientific.

I repeat -- there is not ANY evidence (fossil, genetic, observation) that one species can evolve into another.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Yes, this is what they are doing..making people resentful. While the polls show that most think gay marriage is okay, I am betting a lot of them would not vote for it. We didn't here in liberal California -- TWICE. And judges overruled us. That causes resentment.

They think they won, and they won the battle, but they have not won the war, as resentment in this country will grow. We don't make a fuss like liberals or gays, etc, but we will hopefully get even at the ballot box.

At this point, it isn't even about gay marriage. Two of those supreme court members are gay activists and would not recuse themselves. One of them is probably a dyke. And what about states' rights? Are we going to have to have another Civil War over States' Rights?

Hopefully, a republican will change the courts somehow to correct a problem of this type, where it is not up to the supreme justice as to whether they are recused or not...that there would be certain rules and if they are an activist regarding an upcoming case, they would automatically be kicked to the curb. BTW, if this applies to the conservative justices with something in the future, I also agree they should not be on the court to try cases in which they are activists and should be dismissed.

And hopefully Scalia will live to be 150.

obamacare...well, they won nothing at all on this one either. People are finding out what is in it, they are angry. obama saved face. He won the battle - lost the war because his legacy will show that people really hate obamacare. Remember what Giffen (I think that is his name) said -- that they could put this over on people because they are stupid. THAT should be obama's legacy.

Churches and some Temples will not want to pay for abortions. The Hyde Act provided they would not have to and yet, obamacare which was supposed to remove that part of it (obama promised ha ha ha ha ha)...and they didn't. So there will still be a mess, and I can tell you right now, Catholic churches are not going to pay for abortions. There will be civil disobedience.

And again, the people who like it are the people who get it for free or the rich liberals. The middle class hate it. They are putting off going to doctors because of the huge deductibles. They are angry. Hopefully that will get them to the ballot box again in 2016.


doggie47304 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to another member, who wrote in response to an article posted entitled "Leftist Antifa Terrorist Arrested with Bombs with Plans"; "There was NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, in the articles about a motive or linking him with a conspiracy. All there was was Cernovich's editorializing with no relation to the limited info in the article. Again, could be the usual lone wolf. Obviously, you WANT damage and destruction, people hurt, just to further your twisted agenda!") Boldface mine:

He's a member of Antifa, nimrod. Only someone with the IQ of a cup of chocolate pudding can't figure out what motivated him -- far left-wing ideology.

You're are truly a moron.

lel817 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to another member, who wrote: "We've gone from separating Indian babies from their parents (and then exterminating them), to stealing babies from their slave parents (and then re-selling them into slavery), to building a country on child labor (working in factories as young as 8-yrs. old, there's photos!), to incarcerating Japanese-American toddlers in internment camps, to allowing priests to sexually abuse children for decades, to forcing buckets of high-fructose corn syrup down kids’ throats until half of them are part of a childhood obesity epidemic, to turning our schools into killing fields because we love our guns more than we love our kids -- who the hell are we kidding?
Stop being shocked and surprised that Trump is kidnapping Hispanic children from their parents as if 'this isn't who we are!' Yes, it is. It has ALWAYS been who we are. Don't say Trump is violating 'our American values.' Abusing children IS an historic American value. Be proud, America -- Trump is us."

You're rant makes no sense. Go fuck yourself, Robert. All you liberals do is bitch about how terrible and evil this country is, with never anything positive to say. I literally NEVER hear a liberal give credit to this country for anything. Then they are surprised when we call them out for their anti-Americanism. Perhaps you can move to one of those third world countries that treat children so well that they are forced to flee. Ironic how liberals on the one hand verbally beat down this country at every turn, while insisting we open our borders and subject foreigners to this oh so racist evil country. If its so terrible why are people clamoring to get in instead of out?

lel817 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In reply to another member, who said [sarcastically] "Sounds good to me. Let's go back to the original language [of the constitution] where YOU would not to be allowed to vote, or have any personal freedom, really.I miss those American laws where a woman was a man's property. You know, like it is in Muslim countries today. Fine by me. I'm a white male who owns property.( I've clowned around in the past, but this is the truth). One for all and all for ONE!")Boldface mine:

The point I was making jerk, is that judges aren't supposed to be making laws. I guess by your logic Dred Scott should have been upheld.

Roe v Wade is unconstitutional. I'm sick of irresponsible sluts who kill their unwanted babies.

sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "STUCK ON STUPID: Bernie Sanders Thinks Climate Change Affects Military Readiness" http://americanlookout.com/stuck-on-stupid-bernie-sanders-thinks-climate-change-affects-military-readiness/):

The climate changes. It always has and it always will. Very little is caused by man which is so minute that it is ridiculous to even consider it. Before there was industrialization, the Arctic and Antarctic were rain forests.

I am not against alternative energy...but not against what we have. Solar is not working or efficient yet. Wind farms are a mess and cause noise pollution.

Until there is something viable, then we have to use what we have. With American ingenuity, as long as government is not involved at all, someone will come up with something.

The climate has been cooling for 17 years btw. The ***********scientists********** tried to change the results by taking different models. For example, they measured in deep ocean for numbers and then they were caught then measuring in shallow waters close to the shore (to get the numbers they wanted instead of a clean measurement and analysis.

It is about money. It is not about anything else. If the government can make us at fault for climate changing, then they can take money from us (like California does) to fix it -- when it has been proven man has very little to do with it.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on the posting of an article entitled "Charade Dishonors Saint Patrick and Parade":

gays are taking over all parades. They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious. They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at. They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes...the more disgusting, the better they like it. LOOK AT MEEEE...I AM GAY. Blech.


apostledbm #fundie groups.yahoo.com

well, if you know Bible history, Mary, the mother of Jesus was most likely fourteen when she conceived by the Holy Ghost

the age is not the problem so much as the lack of training for marriage and housekeeping duties is

the feminists want the females to dominate society and NOT be keepers at home

they want them to abort children and rule over men

this is the root that needs to chopped

we need to train our children from an early age to get married (if they wish) and stay that way, with the man as head

until this is taught, we will continue to have abortion, sodomy, murder, and a declining birthrate, not to mention total reliance upon the Beast government

sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Fact: Obama separated children from their parents. The conditions were horrible and children were thirsty and hungry, and in cages, sleeping on the floor.

Fact: Trump followed the same law as separating children from adults which makes sense when Obama did it as well since some of those adults are not parents but are traffickers and it takes time to sort out. Nevertheless, Trump is the one that didn't like it and signed an executive order to fix it. OBAMA DID NOT.

Fact: conditions under Trump were very different. Kids get good meals, beds, blankets, drinks, education, games, clothes, outings to the zoo, egg.

Fact: it costs money. Democrats refuse to help allocate the funds in Congress...because they like the turmoil because they think if they can blame Trump, like you and Robert are doing, people are more likely not to learn the truth and vote for them.

It is much like the mayor of Puerto Rico who is now being prosecuted for hiding food and water, well...actually throwing away food. Why? So she could tell the people Trump,didn't care about them.

The lies about Trump and the glossing over of past administrations are not going to work with informed people.


doggie47304 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In response to another member, who wrote: "We've gone from separating Indian babies from their parents (and then exterminating them), to stealing babies from their slave parents (and then re-selling them into slavery), to building a country on child labor (working in factories as young as 8-yrs. old, there's photos!), to incarcerating Japanese-American toddlers in internment camps, to allowing priests to sexually abuse children for decades, to forcing buckets of high-fructose corn syrup down kids’ throats until half of them are part of a childhood obesity epidemic, to turning our schools into killing fields because we love our guns more than we love our kids -- who the hell are we kidding?
Stop being shocked and surprised that Trump is kidnapping Hispanic children from their parents as if 'this isn't who we are!' Yes, it is. It has ALWAYS been who we are. Don't say Trump is violating "our American values." Abusing children IS an historic American value. Be proud, America -- Trump is us.")

If you hate the country this much, GET THE HELL OUT OF IT.

This nation, you ungrateful prick, helped save the world Nazism, communism and Islam fascism.

This a reason why, you blithering anti-American swine, that people from around the world have wanted to immigrate here -- because it is the freest, most prosperous place on earth.

You don't deserve to live here, you miserable SOB.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #racist groups.yahoo.com

I'd love to see someone ask Colin Kaepernick, if people of color are being oppressed, why have millions immigrated here over the past several decades? Or if people of color are being oppressed why does just about every small town in America have a Chinese or Mexican restaurant run by people of color that is thriving?


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to a comment about transgender restroom access in schools: "Get it off the front page and people will go back to the daily life.")

It is on the front page because Mr. Obama sent directives to every school in America saying they had better let boys who feel like girls shower in the girls' showers and dress in the girls locker room. The same the other way around with girls. No note is required from a parent or a doctor. And, they can change their minds the next day if they want. It has a name but I forget what it is -- something like "floater" -- in other words, they can change their minds at will. THAT is why it is on the front page.

If you read the 28-page booklet, now in universities, someone can say they are a girl who is a boy, who never showed any signs of that previously, who does not need a doctor's note or any type of verification...and they would be assigned to room with a girl. She is not allowed to complain...or she could be kicked out. That person can also change their mind at will.

THAT IS WHY IT IS ON THE FRONT PAGE. OBAMA MADE SURE IT WAS. Why? To divide us and make everyone think that conservatives are heartless I suppose.

Ohhh, and btw, if a school does not do this, there was a veiled threat that they would lose funding.

AND, it has happened here. My granddaughter's school (the one in Middle School) had a boy that said he was a girl for the day...he was allowed in their showers. The girls didn't want to shower or take gym that day -- they were excused from taking a shower. He didn't ask again to be with the girls so far. So IT IS HAPPENING ALREADY. I talked about this previously.
