
Rick1 #racist kentucky.com

If posting the 10 commandments upset so many and they must be removed because they are in public places, then let me tell you what pissed me off and I'm tired of having it rammed down my throat and that is Spanish!!!

Every Courthouse in America must post all signs in English and Spanish...why, this is an English speaking country and if you are so pissed about the 10 Commandments being in public places, why aren't you screaming for the removal of all the Spanish signs??...that is being shoved down your throats alot more than the commandments.

At every ATM, you must push a button for English, yet no one complains..but show the 10 commandments and all hell breaks lose..

If the beliefs that this country was founded on upset you so much, then why are you here??

Have the Spanish signs removed and then you can remove the 10 commandments but not until..

Sen. David Givens & Rep. Ben Waide (R-Kentucky) #fundie kentucky.com

Several GOP lawmakers questioned new proposed student standards and tests that delve deeply into biological evolution during a Monday meeting of the Interim Joint Committee on Education.
In an exchange with officials from ACT, the company that prepares Kentucky's new state testing program, those lawmakers discussed whether evolution was a fact and whether the biblical account of creationism also should be taught in Kentucky classrooms.
"I would hope that creationism is presented as a theory in the classroom, in a science classroom, alongside evolution," Sen. David Givens, R-Greensburg, said Tuesday in an interview.
Another committee member, Rep. Ben Waide, R-Madisonville, said he had a problem with evolution being an important part of biology standards.
"The theory of evolution is a theory, and essentially the theory of evolution is not science — Darwin made it up," Waide said. "My objection is they should ensure whatever scientific material is being put forth as a standard should at least stand up to scientific method. Under the most rudimentary, basic scientific examination, the theory of evolution has never stood up to scientific scrutiny."

Crazy machete-wielding protester #fundie kentucky.com

A man with a machete who attacked a Transylvania University student in a campus coffee shop Friday first asked people about their political affiliations, a witness said.

The assailant, thought to be a former student, was armed with a machete and knives, Lexington Police Chief Mark Barnard said. The university canceled classes for the rest of the day.

The victim was taken to a hospital with injuries that weren’t considered life-threatening, fire department Battalion Chief Joe Best said.

The victim was safe, and her family “is with her at UK Hospital,” Transylvania President Seamus Carey said.

The assailant also was taken to a hospital to be evaluated, Barnard said. A third person was treated at the scene.

Tristan Reynolds, a student who was inside the campus café where the attack occurred, said about 30 to 40 people were inside at the time.

“A guy came in, banged something, a hatchet or an ax, on the table and said ‘the day of reckoning has come,’” Reynolds said. “He asked somebody what their political affiliation was, they said ‘Republican’ and the guy said ‘you are safe.’ And then I realized what was going on and started getting people out.”

“We started to scatter and then very, very quickly, campus security was getting everybody sheltered and secure,” Reynolds said. “They were very on it.”

Campus security officers subdued the assailant quickly, preventing further injury, Barnard said.

Security officers tackled the suspect, Transylvania spokeswoman Michele Gaither Sparks said.

Students were alerted about the attack by text messages through the campus’ T-Alert system, Sparks said.

The coffee shop, inside the Glenn Building, has an open floor plan and is a popular spot for students to get coffee and breakfast, Reynolds said.

He is the editor-in-chief of the Transylvania student newspaper, The Rambler, and he was with newspaper staff at the café.

Tom Riner #fundie kentucky.com

Under state law, God is Kentucky's first line of defense against terrorism.

The 2006 law organizing the state Office of Homeland Security lists its initial duty as "stressing the dependence on Almighty God as being vital to the security of the Commonwealth."

Specifically, Homeland Security is ordered to publicize God's benevolent protection in its reports, and it must post a plaque at the entrance to the state Emergency Operations Center with an 88-word statement that begins, "The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God."

State Rep. Tom Riner, a Southern Baptist minister, tucked the God provision into Homeland Security legislation as a floor amendment that lawmakers overwhelmingly approved two years ago.

As amended, Homeland Security's religious duties now come before all else, including its distribution of millions of dollars in federal grants and its analysis of possible threats.

kytony #fundie kentucky.com

[Keep YOUR 10 commandments in YOUR house, in YOUR church, tattooed on YOUR butt! But keep them out of MY courthouse!]

You what skidtrek why the hell should I have to put up with idiots like you. If you don't like the ideals that this country was founded on then get the hell out and takr all your gay friends with you. I am sick and tired of the ACLU and all these other radical organizations telling me what I can't read or look at and who I have to tolerate. When we don't even give time to respect the young people that are dying every day for people like you to have the freedom to talk the stupidity that you do then we have reaqched a sad day. If you don't like the way this country works go to Iran or Iraq and see how long your gay a** last.

Creation Museum #fundie kentucky.com

Ken Ham, an Australian who is Answers in Genesis' $120,000-a-year founder and president, says the museum opening will be a significant event in Christendom.

"No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science," he said.
When the Gallup Poll asked people about their views on the subject last March, 47 percent of Americans polled said that God created humans pretty much in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years. That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans.
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.