
Fenix_120 #fundie twcenter.net

Even if we have to prove their is a God, you have to prove to me that their was evolution. and I don't mean Dawins "theory of evolution" ether.

Did you know that every time the earth rotates around the sun it gets one inch closer to the sun?

That would mean that a million years ago the earth was farther from the sun than Pluto is now.

You think anything could survive in that?

GodNeptune #fundie twcenter.net

["Are you saying god created 2 completley different species of human like creatures? Us AND them? And dont EVEN say Neandertals were exactly the same as us."]

The Neanderthals were actually humans who had bred with apes. That explains why they were so different and why regular humans oppressed them and eventually killed them off. Normal humans considered them inferior and treated them badly.

Kemalraik #fundie twcenter.net

Christmas! We all know what Christmas is. Or do we?

I feel sorry for Christians when they see Atheists apparently 'celebrating Christmas'. Why do atheists even celebrate it? So they can get free presents and get time off work and school?

Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But the modern world of the west has turned it into some sort of marketing scheme. Imagine how it must feel as a Christian to see your special celebration being diminished into commercialism.

If you're not Christian, don't celebrate Christmas.


I Have Facts (AKA Shawn Kuhn) #fundie twcenter.net

And this is what happens when public schools teach children that being intellectual is greater than actual truth. As long you sound intellectual, well theres 3/4 of the debate won, from there on out liberals can just lag down any real progress with semantics and hypotheticals.

A liberal will typically never concede any point, because to them finding the truth is not the reason they are debating. Instead, they debate to 'flex their intellectual muscle' if you will... truth to a liberal is merely an 'abstract'.

This is why 99/100 its pointless to debate liberals who 'think' they are intellectuals.

Creation is substantiated through facts (archaeology, science, history, the Bible), evolution is pure speculation and nothing more than a fairy-tale alternative to submitting to God.

Before you accuse me of not supporting myself, please review all my previous posts (in vain) concerning this issue.

Listen here Christians!

The only slightly tangible way to debate a liberal about God and creation is to sit them down with the Bible and let it do the talking. Now that being said, liberals cringe and reel at the thought of Gods Perfect Word. Why? It demands moral accountability, and according to the liberal religion of humanism, everything is relative.


This ties right in with the concept of evolution,

If we all came from monkey's and not created by an almighty God then even the concept of right and wrong just comes down to a chemical reaction in the brain. Who is to say the chemical reactions in my brain that leads me to commit murder is wrong?! Or for that matter, any other moral truth...

If I ever debate a liberal, it's usually for the benifit of on-lookers, not in the hopes of actually changing my opponents mind.

Exarch #fundie twcenter.net

the problem with gay rape is that the rapee ie the man who has just been raped is too ashamed to admit it and may even deny it-it's documented.

gays should just be locked away as the potential rapists that they are, the same way paedophiles who've served their time should be locked away as the continuing menace to society that they are

Atheist Peace #fundie twcenter.net

You're missing the point. Intelligent people are fundamentally better and worth much, much more than unintelligent (esp. retards, who should ALL be aborted before birth) people, and educated people are better than uneducated, ignorant people.

Ho'oponopono #fundie twcenter.net

This is a recurring argument of atheists/agnostics. You don't have to prove God to be true, God is already proved by your sheer existence, your breathing, your being alive. What keeps you alive? Your heart pumping fresh blood to all parts of your body. What keeps your heart beating? Each day the average heart "beats" (or expands and contracts) 100,000 times and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood. In a 70-year lifetime, an average human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times. It never stops beating until it fails and the result is usually death if it is not restarted quickly. The source of energy for the heart, like all other tissues is ATP or adenosine triphosphate. But keeps this ATP in existence? The food you digest. What makes you digesting food? It is definitely not YOU, since you can't control the process of digestion, you were never taught "how to digest food properly", and still your body does it without further commands. You need no further evidence, but you can go on like this, ask a thousand more question, and will finally come to the same question: what is the Source of Being? You cannot answer that question on an atheist / agnostic prejudice.

On the other hand, God is not proved by theoretical arguments, it is proved by human life experience. Jesus wasn't preaching about the "existence of God", he told us that he brought good news, he healed the sick people, sick in mind or body. He brought love where there was hatred, he brought certainty where there was shakiness. He made miracles, where miracles were needed. With a simple but profound touch, Jesus broke down barriers, challenges customs and laws that alienate, and embodied his convictions about the inclusive meaning of the Reign of God. Moreover Jesus didn't care about proving the existence of God to men, since it is blatantly obvious, he meant to bring the power of God to the people.

Exarch #fundie twcenter.net

[about gay marriage]
which is why we should minimise it as much as possible by preventing gays from marrying.

better yet, if we allow them to marry, we should render them eunuchs so they will sin no more and be the pure beings we all know they ca be...

Odovacar #fundie twcenter.net

Communist as atheists persecuted religions.
Atheism has as many form as you want.

You always consider bad things done by religious people (ppl who claims so) encouraged by religion. Louis The Sun King did not persecute protestants because f catholicism...it was perfectly good for him to back up protestant enemies of Habsburgs.

Just as atheism is not to blame for Stalin's action, religion is not to blame for people's actions who do what they want. If you judge with double standars you will be judged with double standards.

Beren Erchamion #fundie twcenter.net

As a Christian, I believe that humans are like no other species. We have immortal souls, and we are created in the image of God. That is why human life is infinitely more valuable than any other life form, and should never be destroyed except at the direst need.[..]

Actually 50 million people have been killed by abortion--and that's just in the USA alone. So I would estimate that far more babies have been aborted in the 20th and early 21st centuries than all the people killed in war throughout recorded history.

Now I don't believe in Evolution; I think it has drastic scientific flaws. But let's just say, for the sake of argument, that it's true. If Evolution is true, how does capital punishment hold us back as a species? Wouldn't we want to eliminate murderers, rapists, and traitors, who are polluting our species and preventing us from advancing up the Evolutionary ladder? And if Evolution is true, war is the best thing that can happen to mankind. It eliminates the weak by default, and leaves the strongest, smartest, and most well-developed people on top, giving them the opportunity to reproduce and gradually replace "lesser" humans. Abortion, on the other hand, kills indiscriminately. It stifles the reproductive rate of our species. It kills the potentially weak as well as the potentially strong, the potentially stupid as well as the potentially ingenious. So if we really want to advance up the Evolutionary ladder, we need more wars, more executions, and no abortion.

Masta Munsa #fundie twcenter.net

there are no beneficial mutations. mutations are either neutral or negative. darwinist dogmatists like to cover this up. and actual research and testing has been done. the conclusion is unilateral:life cannot form spontaneously

Turbo #fundie twcenter.net

Belief in this case is spirtual based and doesn't require to be supported by conjecture whether something is possible or not. Since anything is possible with God, I worry less about whether something is intellectually feasible than I do about faith and trust in the Lord.