scarlets79 #fundie
Non-humble Scientists don't like to hear that their role in our society is merely to find out more about the [biblical] creation.
Non-humble Scientists don't like to hear that their role in our society is merely to find out more about the [biblical] creation.
Did you know that because it is impossible for atheism to exist, you as an atheist do not exist
Of course we have proof! How do you prove what someone who is now dead used to do? By witnesses! Unbelievable. Again, atheists use a lack of evidence for their beliefs.
What atheists are saying is that no one lived in Israel during biblical times except for a few people who made up a story about who lived.
It's just not possible to expect rational responses from people with that mentality.
Stop following the secular
crowd if you want to be heard in this world!
If I were someone who didn't believe in God,or a god,yet when
I was sick or close to death,that might give me a reason to doubt
being an atheist,and wonder if it's the best choice.
I think this world was created indeed,but more than think it,I know it!
You don't have to be that smart to know that the world wasn't an
accident!!! Theists may excuse what they do,ect.... some of them, yet
they at least have hope. for an atheist,their only hope is this one life!
My God didn't need a creator simply because there had to be a first some-
where,and he is it,amen.
Thats such a silly question for today,I thought it was done away with by
now? Guess not?
Did God create a rock so big he can't lift it?
Well,If I could do that,why would i do it? Would I be against myself?
would I be trying to out do myself? Why would I want to do that?
better yet,why would God?
If you could burn your house down,would you?
I am sorry,but that is just too silly for me.
Yes,I believe atheists do feel moral responsibilities for what they
choose to believe,on their basis,and how they feel like accepting
them. I believe they feel they are free thinkers who don't have to
believe or accept what anyone says. This is why I get so confused
by so many atheists believing in evolution. It's not just some of them,
it's all of them that I know of!!! talk about Not being a free thinker!
what a contradiction that is!!! Where is the free thinking in that?
All anyone has to do,is think about what it would be like to be an
atheist for themselves. They will know why it seems like a good idea
at first too. Why would I find it attractive at first glance?
simply because I'd pretty much be my own God!!!
But,I am so glad I am not,amen.
We humans have an excellent track record of messing things up,and
making many mistakes!
I got stoned and decided to experiment to see if I could find hidden meanings in the bible while stoned. I woudl immediately come down and be unstoned when I began to read. I would be totally moved by what I read and want to be a Chrisian. Then I'd get stonned again and repeat the process with the same result. This went on about five times then I decided never smoke pot again because if God was real he was trying to tell me I don't need pot. I grew to realize I like prayer better. I never smoked pot since.
Well in reality Satan is the god of atheists because atheists are posessed by Satan because they deny that there is a Supreme Intelligence governing the universe.
I did. And by the criteria of atheists, a goat could have just as easily changed into a human as an ape. Afterall, what is entailed in animals changing into human beings, is tails dropping off, standing on 2 legs and using the other 2 for arms, developing a human brain, all of which is nothing short of miraculous. So since it would have been a miracle, then any animal could have changed into a human using the cretieria of atheists. Sorry. It's all a fairy tale and not even a good fairy tale because atheists calim it's true. That's the most irrational thing of all.
[What isn't understandable is why God would create a virtual supernova explosion that looks like it occurred a couple hundred thousand years ago. Why should our astronomers now be looking at the remnants of a dead star if it never existed in the first place?]
darknights : no one ever said it didnt exist, just that the process was speeding up very considerbitely. and since God is all powerful- he could of easily have done this and would of never knew he did!!!
and ive explained it to you before. its not trickery its science.
one_brow : God did not trick us by creating light from events that did not happen, he tircked us by manipulating time so that the universe would look old.
Do you honestly think it is better to send our children to the pagans to be taught. Are you kidding, let the God haters educate our kids.
I just love it when my son comes home from school with all sorts of pagan/humanistic ideas that I have to now clear his head of.
Here is my postulation; the NEA is unashamedly, blatantly and purposefully anti-God, anti-family, anti-children, anti-marriage, pro-death and pro-gay. Unfortunately, the NEA represents the majority of the nation’s public school teachers and is by far the United States’ largest and in my considered opinion, the most dangerously influential labor union in existence today.
Here is a recent example, just a short while ago the NEA awarded its Creative Leadership in Human Rights to Kevin Jennings, co-founder and director of GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network). GLSEN is one of the most radical gay rights organizations in existence today and seeks to directly and overtly indoctrinate your children into the homosexual abomination through the public schools. In its document titled, Ten Things Educators Can Do, GLSEN makes the following recommendation, “Educators need to integrate LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) issues throughout the [public school] curriculum...” Do you think that GLSEN sounds like a group the NEA needs to endorse, and by proxy we as parents willingly endorse. I know, I can hear you question, how do I willing endorse GLSEN? You do so by sending your children into the public schools; because of your refusal to homeschool them. You don’t think so, if your kids are in public school, you sent them there willingly, didn’t you? Nobody forced you to, did they? At least not yet, praise the Lord!
You really do have cheese for brains if you deny that there is a Supreme Intelligence governing the universe when there are all kinds of proofs in nature for the existence of the Supreme Intelligence who governs the universe.
so far evolution has yet to be proven true on a bigger scale! so far God has accounted for everything.
If you were to create a game/competition.
It is you who has sole right to make the rules, being the creator of the game.
You could stipulate that the contestants could make the rules up as they whent, rules that might help the free flow of the game or cause the game to come to a halt , but then you have already made a rule(there is no rules).
You could create rules, then the contestants being free willed could breake the rules because it suited them, you as the games creator at this point could
A:disqualify all cheating contestants,
B:turn a blind eye to the cheating
C: create a new rule that over writes the first rules
So the game will work as long as your rules are followed and every thing here would be well within your rite as the creator because it is your game.
This system works with games created by a collective group as long as the governing body is in agreement with each other, but when one dissagrees with the rules and has their own ideas the a slightly different game is invented
Atheism is different to this.
Atheism says there is no ultimate governing body over this game we call life, we are all playing our own "game" making up our own rules as we go along. If this were the case we would have no right to critisize or dictate the rules to another, for their "game" is there own created by them selfs. If someone violates the rules of your game, that is they are living by their own rules, in the eyes of the atheist it cannot be immoral.
Most atheists though cannot live like this, because they cannot live without at least some of there own rules being followed. and like wise society cannot exist if there werent rules handed down from a higher authority, namely God
For it is only the creator who has the exclusive right to impose rules. It would be immoral for a man or a society to impose rules on a nother man unless they were handed down from the creator of this world.
Those who don’t homeschool their children, counsel with fools.
*assuming here "intelligence" in species is something that can be measured, in some way
Think of the distribution of "intelligence" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding humans, sure some species would be smarter than others (e.g. circus animals smarter than my cat who's not the brightest), but not that much variation really.
Now add human beings, and you'd see a huge spike in your graph. It is reasonably to ask how evolution over billions of years could have produced one "species" that stands out so much. The only species to make its way to the moon. This species also has not even been challenged by another species for control of the earth (though the dinosaurs might have been a struggle).
Explain this one away evolutionists- doubt you can.
the atheist feels they do not serve anything,yet they strongly
appear to not only serve but to strongly support radical liberal
views,or at least a great deal of them do.
For some reason Aliester Crowly tend to come up among many
of them,and I thought he was somewhat a satanist,or something
close along those lines?
If atheist's are such free-thinkers as they say,why must they all
appear to accept the idea of evolution.
Why is TOE so important to them?
If athiesm is true you may worship nothing but if christianity is true you are a creature worshipper. Your response "I don't worship anything" actually proves that you are not in line with what the Creator says about you. Which means you are definitely not honouring God in your statement, "I don't worship anything". We all do according to christianity. There is no in between there are either Creator worshippers or creature worshippers so if Christianity is the gospel truth then your statement that "I don't worship anything" would be an evidence to a christian that you in fact are a creature worshipper. Now to an athiest it is evidence that he/she is in line with athiesm for athiesm doesn't at all take Romans 1 into account or that he/she is a creature and should do all things to His glory of his/her Creator whether that be eating or drinking. That is fine. But to just say "I don't worship anything" and some how we christians are going to abandon the thus saith the LORD in Romans 1 on your say so. I just don't think we are prepared to take your say so into account at this point. We are Creator worshippers by His grace in Christ not athiest worshippers!!!!
I see way too often atheists have trouble understanding how serious God is about sin.
You weren't even around when Darwin
existed,just like he wasn't there when the pagans first came up with 'TOE"
you know other atheists,and you know what they believe just as the
Child of almighty God knows other saved individuals.
Atheism is growing fast and there are plenty of atheists around in the
world,look at all the christian message boards there are,and you'll find
alot of them there. I am not telling you that you'll be saved at all!
Thats your personal choice to make. If it's in you,it'll happen,if not,it
[Why does god care if we believe in him? As long as we are good and follow what would be considered christian morals, does it matter to him?]
well if u loved dogs lets say and then u went out a bought a few, then u brought them home and they payed completely no attention to you crapped everywhere, u would call them and they dont look, listen or move- id bet you'd care alittle. right? kinda same way
Well all I can is that anyone who believes in a flying spaghetti monster is losing whatever credibility he had in the first place. [smug chuckling smilie]
Any education that is not Christian (God-ward, biblical) is anti-christian. By this I mean it is a substitute. It takes the place of Christian education. This is the biblical definiation of "anti" in the Bible. (i.e. antichrist = substitute Christ). As someone put it, "Education without God's Word makes clever devils." Another said, "To educate the mind of a bad man, without correcting his morals, is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac."
Now of course athiest don't grant christianity to be true so they don't see the harm of equating God to chance or a projection of their intellect into the created universe and whatever on their own authority they find it to be. But it is not as though they are not creature worshipers doing so granting christianity to be true and it is not as though they have a right to say christianity is not true on the basis of their own lack of evidence according to human standards (corruptible standards that is) as compared to determining the weight of evidence that is accord to be the case on God's uncorruptible standards.
Fundamentalism is the one mindset which the human race must depend on for its very survival. Ignore it and you get Hitlers, Stalins, and other other Godless countries out to kill everyone.
Did you know that the only reason why virtually every scientist in the world accepts evolution? It's because they are all in on one big conspiracy to undermine creationism.
I can see why atheists focus on God's wrath so much. They have the most to fear from it.
So do atheists really think that the more they call God a monster, a tyrant, cruel, evil, and immoral that that's going to manipulate God into changing his mind? Why do they think that slander and criticism will ever help them in any circumstance? Or do they just plain don't think?
So yes guys, God does destroy those who treat him and his creation with contempt. He does punish those who are arrogant enough to think they deserve the best that God has to offer without acknowledging him. And calling him name after name after name won't change that one bit.
But he also gives us a free pardon and our whole lives to acknowledge him. So why do atheists criticize him and reject his free pardon? Whose fault is that? Is anything ever the fault of atheists on their own eyes? No.
So since atheists aren't honest or intelligent enough to know why it's not wise to bite the hand that feeds them, then they'll have to learn by experience just how unwise that is.
So calling him evil, a monster, a tyrant, cruel, evil, unjust,and cursing his name and his creation will only seal your fate even more. After all the quotes that atheists use in the bible talking about what "atrocities' God does to those who disobey Him, they, of all people, should have learned by now what happens to those who continually mock him. But they haven't learned one thing. Unbelievable.
I must point out that my evolutionist friend was stating that evolution disproved Genesis, hence is Genesis is disproved then the rest of the Bible is also.
I steered the debate from Genesis into the other 65 books. He was found wanting, and started that debate by denying Jesus ever existed... etc.
In a sense, how the creation has come about is not actually that interesting to me, though it makes me chuckle when people say things are scientific facts. But to suggest we have evolved from apes seems absurd.
An apple is either rotten, or its ripe. There is no inbetween. This same backwards logic is often applied to other various secular ideologies:
Atheism: Either there is a God, or there isnt.
Evolution: Either God created us, or we evolved.
Im just pointing out the fallacies here, this logic doesn't work. There is no middle ground, there is no inbetween.
Evolution is a religion. A strange fantasy that we are nothing more than an accident that's evolved over millions of years. No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality, nothing. Death unavoidable. No spirituality or leader. A belief based on pseudo-science.
Who would choose this religion?
Mike there cannot be any debate here, because to "debate" about a God is to ignore A) His written word, B) directly observable phenomina here on earth and C) all of human history going back to the origins of this planet nearly 6000 years ago. To deny these things is a denial of reality, and I honestly feel almost as ridiculous as a child denying babies come from the stork. [emphasis added]
There are no contradictions, and thus far nothing has been provided to show otherwise. Just a few ramblings by atheists attempting to disprove a God they claim they don't believe in. Emphasis on claim because EVERYONE believes in God, atheists just choose to rebel and pretend he doesn't exist. This silly behavior would be akin to a child saying "I dont have any parents". Anyways..
A) Has God recanted the Bible, or any part of the bible thus far? It it were not true, don't you think God would say something?
Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.
Not quite. Science has attempted(and was relatively successful) over the centuries in keeping the truth of the planet a secret. While the Church contended the earth was round, the scientists refused to accept it. Their own personal observations got ahead at what had been biblically mentioned far far before their time. This is the bottom line: Sceince changes its mind so often because it's wrong so often.
I understand atheists very well. We are all born with the belief of a God, atheists pretend this doesn't exist, it's like a "Fad". Of course these kinds of dishonest behaviors of lying to oneself is often associated with other perversions(like homosexuality).
[Are you serious ? You mean Galilei kept saying that the Earth is the center of the universe and was punished by the Church for that ?]
He was prisoned not because of his ideas--but because he was an agent of the Illuminati. He was activitly involved in malicious attempts to undermind the community, and was punished for it. His personal beliefs that the earth was the center of the universe was proven false by the church.
It's just unbridled ignorance that makes people claim that the bible was written by fallible human beings. How many of you here can remember the genealogies of your friends and relatives? How many of you remember what each of them did and how many brothers and sisters each of them had?
How many of you remember how many gold dishes, silver dishes, gold bowls, matching silver bowls plates, pans you took out of your house in your last move as is described in the book of Ezra?
How many of you know how many horses, chariots, charioteers, and fighting men in the armies of Alexander the Great? How many of you know which specific Jews were killed in Nazi Germany and which were saved and their friends and relatives?
So it couldn't have been written by humans unless they had miraculous memories and minds that could foresee the future. And even then it would have had to have been cross-checked by others with a miraculous memory and minds to see into the future.
So those of you who deny the bible is anything but miraculous haven't possibly even comprehended how much detail is in there. So it's just pure ignorance thinking you can refute it. No other book is as accurate and detailed as the bible. And only foolish people ignore that and look for what they call errors. And I haven't even touched on the prophecies that have been fulfilled! Nor have I even begun to show the correlations and spiritual meaning behind the people, places, and events that exist in the bible.
So it's obvious that atheists not only don't understand the bible, but most of them haven't even read it. And they only look foolish in claiming that they or anyone could have done a better job of writing it than the authors did. One first has to understand the depth of meaning behind each verse and what it takes to write a book as accurate as the bible before he can claim that any fallible human or human(s) could write a book that accurate.
Well considering the fact that I am a writer and have been told many, many times how articulate I am, even on FSTDT, then if I write in a hurry, and don't use correct grammar, then because I'm not God, then I am prone to mistakes, just as you are. But since you seem to focus on grammatical errors, then i can just as easily go through the posts and point out yours.
But since I have no interest in playing one-upmanship games, I don't stoop to the level that atheists do. But I could, any time I wanted to.
I dont care how many people support evolution, because salvation is not a popularity contest. And thus lies the problem in your belief system, you're so willing to accept the word of falliable man in support of "science", while turning your back on God. Roughly 2/3rds of the global population WILL end up in hell for not accepting the truth of the Lord. Are these numbers OKAY with you? They aren't OKAY with me, I am deeply concerned about the human population and its ongoing quest to satisfy Satan(as a whole, luckly there are a few smart individuals who have the wisdom to see through these tricks).
As for evolution itself, the USA is a very religious nation that holds itself to a higher moral standard than other places. Which is why evolution is "on the rocks" here in the states. But even ignoring that, things like "germs" and "electricity" are not science. These are parts of our reality that can be directly observed, unlike evolution or global warming.
Al Gore is just a politically motivated Charles Darwin. The only thing these two individuals really have in relation to each other, is the location of their eternity after death.
You know, I could just as easily initiate threads about specific members here who make ignorant statements like not knowing that each species reproduces itelf. In fact atheists here make so many ignorant and ludicrous statements that I wonder how most of them got through school. I could also initate websites for people to come for the sole prupose of slandering individuals and gossiping about them all over the internet.
But I don't enjoy singling people out to humiliate them and neither does any true Christian. So why do atheists enjoy that? Why do they initiate threads, (even risking being banned to do so) to attack specific memebers? Why do they want to hurt inidivuals that badly?
Why do they initiate whole forums for the specific puprose of profaning God, Christ, and indiviual Christians? And FSTDT is not the only forum that exists for the sole purpose of slandering individuals. "Raving Atheist", "Ethical atheist" (which is an oxymoron), and all atheist websites do that. These are all hate forums because they exist to slander people and our Lord. There are very few "intelligent" discussions on any of them because they have no proof that Jesus is not Lord and they know it. So there's nothing to talk about except just passing along hate. So atheists as a group, are nothing more than slanderers...
Atheists don't say; "Oh warewolf" when they're angry, nor "Darth Vader!" etc. Nor do they curse people who watch those movies. So why do atheists think that cursing those figures never caught on in society? Anyone who has a modicum of brain activity knows that it's because they're imaginary, including atheists. But since they take Christ's name in vain, that proves that they know Jesus is Lord. But since they cannot admit it because that would make them guilty of sin, they will blatantly lie and make up absurd reasons for why they don't curse the above fictional characters.
Biologists shoot themselves in the foot....again!
Conclusion: concerning some of the "advantages" that humans have over the lower primates as we have discussed above, the larger brain size, speech/language, communicative eyes, bipedal locomotion; how do each of these transfer to "an individual's reproductive success"? Especially if we are talking about many "micromutations" over a very long time period. What great advantage is 0.01% larger brain size, 0.01% greater speech capability, 0.01% more communicative eyes, 0.01% more bipedal locomotion?
Answer: NONE!Then we would seem to be left with "fortuitous mutations" or "macromutations"!
[a discussion about why atheists don't understand the bible, the entire conversation is irritating, but its like a car crash and I cannot look away]
Because atheists are delusional, psychotic and irrational and they are being guided by Satan.
Are you another victim of FSTDT? As most people here know, I'm hated there for wanting them to go to heaven. So as Jesus said; "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." "No servant can be greater than his master." So we're in great company, my friend. So the slander of atheists proves Jesus right once again.
Al Gore will only be rememberd as a 21st century "Charles Darwin"..and like Darwin..his crazy theory will run out of steam much like evolution has today. We as a society will look back and laugh at the ridiculousness in the future..much like we do today with evolution. Hopefully by then though, we will be able to destroy such vile literature and ideas...degrading society by allowing such nonsense to flourish is Anti-American.
there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth. I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin..
You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him. Remember...they have made the jump from believing a God-->no god...on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
History has shown the true danger of being absent of God..the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
the atheist who charges God with immorality must have some absolute, universal, and invariant system of morality by which he can judge God.
Christians get their system of justice and morality from God's revelation, but from where does the atheist's sense of morality come?
From his own subjective opinion? Then he has no right to criticize anyone else's system.
From society? Then in Hitler's society ethnic cleansing is "good."
From the innate survival mechanisms of nature? Then whatever humans (part of nature) do must be "good" because their actions are products of their natures and thus "good."
From some moral agent beyond this material universe who has the authority to impose morality on this material universe and its inhabitants?
Righteous indignation? I once called what has been so self righteously criticized herein as my gmethodology,h as righteous anger, but in introspection, I have been informed that it is more like righteous indignation.
I have been called many names by the atheists, and lately, by many of those who call themselves my brothers and sisters, one in particular which even chose to use foul language when I finally convinced him to use the PM, rather than the public forum when he had a bone to pick with me. One who had previously informed me that he was told in scripture to rebuke me in public, while all along, ignoring the fact that that passage refers to what is to be done in a Church, not in an atheists forum like this.
You think my posts are harsh?
You think my words are unloving?
Many of you think Hell Fire is non existent too, that Satan doesnft exist.
You also think that a loving God wouldnft put anyone in Hell.
Some, even have the nerve to call themselves Christians, who think this sewage.
Brotherc. Sisterc. Sinnerfs tooc. YOU HAVENfT HEARD, OR READ ANYTHING YET!
I define the term gto thinkh as follows; to subject to the processes of logical thought * to think things out.* There is simply no logic associated with thinking, or rather, coming to the conclusion, that there is no Creator.
As to my words being gunloving,h God is Love, and though the atheist and agnostic may think, or think they think they know love, they are professing an ABSOLUTE CONTRADICTION, A BLATANT LIE GENERATED BY THEIRS, WHO IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIARS, for God is love, and without God, there is no love. They may posses care and concern, even lust, but where there is no God, there is no love, and you can argue the point if you wish, but the fact that you choose to argue it, proves your inability to understand, for those who are not of the Spirit CANNOT understand that which is of the Spirit.
As for the brothers and sisters who choose to side with those who are not of the Spirit on this and other matters such as the apostates damnation, and the fact that is impossible to renew him/her to repentance, and state that God can do anything, I can simply say, g I know He can, but just how likely do you think it is that He is going to go against His own word? Will he allow these fools of all fools, to crucify His Son a second time?
There can be no justice system without a judge. It's impossible. So either atheists don't want a justice system or they think that the defendant should be able to judge his own guilt.
So do atheists believe that a criminal defendant should be able to judge his own guilt? There's a reason that society doesn't think so even if atheists don't understand why.
Do atheists understand why society doesn't allow each person to make up his own morals? Society does even if atheists don't.
Do atheists understand why lawyers don't advise criminal defendants to be their own lawyers? Society does even if atheists don't.
So there first has to be a judge in order for there to be a justice system. And if there is no judge then there is no justice, period. Therefore since atheists claim that God doesn't exist, then they are claiming there is no justice. So only without God is there no justice because someone has to be able to judge the deeds of humanity in order for there to be justice.
But we do have a judge so there is justice. And who is qualified to judge humanity? Certainly not a human because he is the defendant. So the only justice system has to come from a non-human entity who has shown his power over humanity. Otherwise there is no justice. But I'm sure that those who are judged as guilty don't think that justice exists just like all criminals who don't want to pay for their crimes think.
So since atheists can't admit their own crimes against the ultimate judge who is God, then they are no more in a position to criticize the judge & can no more understand justice than a convicted criminal can and are therefore the last people to criticize the judge, particularly if they claim the judge doesn't exist. But sorry, atheists, even if you argue with the judge, criticize the judge or deny that the judge exists, your punishment will remain even if you're in the dark forever about why.
Women who have abortions should be locked away in an insane asylum because they are obviously insane for having an abortion instead of having the baby and then giving the baby up for adoption because there are thousands of couples who want to adopt babies.
I would like to say that if 2 Chronicles 15:13 were still in effect, the world would be a better place, but though such seems so true, He knows better, so be thankful Abe... for, though we must, they wouldn't have put up with your blasphemy for one minute. Why? Because like Leprosy, Cancer and Aids, your rabidity is the vilest kind. It is contagious to all of humanities ignorant and weak. But unlike leprosy, cancer and aids, those who have had, and keep the word of the Lord within, are immune to your murderous mouth.
[NOTE: 2 Chronicles 15:13 says, "and whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."]