
Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Then you can laugh your way all the way to the grave, where I guarantee, you'll stop laughing, which unforuntately, could be as soon as tomorrow. And since you can't prove my posts wrong, then your coments about me are nothing but slander. So that proves Romans 1:29 correct that atheists are slanderers and obviously enjoy doing so.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Another game atheists play
We don't buy the fact that atheists believe that God is imaginary. Do atheists complain about:

1) The Big bad wolf? No.
2) Scylla and Charybdus? No.
3) Sightings of Mary that one poster here keeps bringing up? No.
4) Darth Vader? No.
5) The wicked witch of the West? No.
6) The Borg from Star Trek? No.

Nor any other wicked character they believe is fictious. Atheists don't criticize, judge, or curse the above characters nor would they if other people believed they were real. And they certainly don't feel threatened by the acts of the above characters as they feel about God's warnings about hell. Would they be threatened if we tell them that the big bad wolf is going to come and eat them up? No. Oh, they might lie for the sake of debate and claim they would be, but then they would look even more foolish. But they have told us they consider hell a threat.

flowerchild #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

You maybe perhaps have somekind of mental defect that would prevent you from seeing the reality of something higher than yourself or the human race....you can depend on the air you are breathing and the sun coming up tomorrow...certainly by nothing you or I have done or can do...but the sun rises nevertheless also you benefit from all the univeral laws....you are grounded on this earth because of gravity...are you not...do you think this was not of intelligent design to anchor humans on an earth created for us to live on....

The only thing a person can learn from an atheist is how shallow and ungrateful man can truly be...blind to all he has come to take for granted...

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

One of my all-time favorite lies is that antibiotic resistance proves darwinism. This has been the one of the greatest fabrications of the 20th century. I have long questioned why, if antibiotic resistance proved Darwin's version of evolution, that science couldn't prove this same version with real animals........why is it that the proof is somewhere that 99.9% of the population can't see it?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Another thing that scientists are now questioning is whether or not the earth revolves around the sun! They admit it's just another theory because motion is relative to other motion. So another thing that's for sure is; none of you knows whether the earth revolves around the sun. [laughing smiley]

Casey Powell #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Archaeoraptor was the same exact thing buddy. And Archaeopteryx WAS A BIRD! No feathered dinosaurs, erase that from your mind. Gone! They're called birds, not feathered dinosaurs. Feathered dinosaurs are a fraud.

You're assuming we believe that Variation involves Evolution. It doesn't. No new information has existed that could cause one species to turn into another through Genetics, and as such, Evolution is not possible.

Eliashib #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Because they failed to get their way, these "gay wrongs" activists have filed a bill that would require heterosexual couples have (not adopt) children within three years or their marriages would be declared null and void by the state.

I have a solution to all of this nonsense. Follow the model that was established years ago by the Roman Catholic Church. Fail to recognize all marriages performed by the state as legitimate unless these are sacramental marriages. It's a simple solution, but it will work. Sacramental marriages do not require that couples bear children, but that the couples must be open to the possibility.

We could also take a stand against abortion should the "gay lefts" activists win an ear with the sympathetic pinko courts in Washington state. Add an ammendment to the bill that says that all couples must be open to the possibility of new life and therefore disavow support for "legalized" (a.k.a. court imposed) abortion in every instance. In short, to be married, the couple must be Pro-life, not Pro-preborn infant murder.

It's time to fight fire with fire. We cannot let the sanctity of marriage go unchallenged. The Christian morals and values which our very nation was founded upon are being chipped away in preparation for the anticipated inauguration of that great harlot, Hillary Rodham-Clinton.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(No one believes in Allah or Santa CLaus? Are you claiming that 2 billion Muslims and a billion children are lying?

You first comment is nothing, you made a blanket statement about some strawmen who do something you don't like without mentioning specifics. It's just a chance for you to mindlessly complain without actually telling me what you are complaining about.

And yes, jesus is as believable as allah. they are both guys in a book, nothing more.)

I think Allah IS the strawman you evilutionists keep trying to say humans are evolving into.

OF COURSE Jesus is not only a guy in a book. Ever heard of stained glass windows? Allah never apears in THEM neither does Moonhamed!

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Evolutionary science, as we all know, is a fairytale constructed by non-believers, for non-believers. It's a gift of sorts. A demented gift, but a gift. It's the gift of a belief system dreamed up so they can all live happily ever after, safe and secure in their own little world of fantasy -- with no fear of judgment, no fear of right and wrong, no fear of disobedience, no fear of immorality, no fear of eternal damnation. It's the gift of earthly disobedience flanked by the promise of eternal nothingness and non-accountability.

Every piece of evidence, every detail, every artifact must pass through the gate of natural selection, otherwise known as peer review. If a piece of evidence does not fit through the pickets of the gate, it gets discarded, hidden, or recategorized so the general population remains unaware of it.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I(t) takes effort to deny God and deny that Jesus is the Son of God. It entails;

1) calling the authors of the bible liars or hallucinating the exact same thing
2) Claiming that other people made up Jesus's words when they didn't understand them to begin with and no Jew would have made up the personhood of Christ
3) That the design that scientists rely on everyday for their experiments isn't a design.
4) Trying to change history.

There is nothing about the above that is logical. So denying God is deliberate because one has to adopt even more unbelievable things than what's in the bible in order to deny God.

cheryl doyme #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

How can humanistic psychology be reconciled with Christianity? The views of Carl Rogers are NOT similar to Christ's - they are totally contradictory and more in line with those of the New Age Movement. The basis of person centred theory is its view of man as 'inherently good and moving in the right direction' and the opposite of biblical sinful man. The goal of humanistic therapy - 'actualization' (or, 'godhood for man') is hardly a Christian aim. I believe there is a place especially in treating mental health problems for the more scientific psychological approach of cognitive behaviour therapy with its goals of eradicating irrational thinking. Without doubt it would be better to look to the Lord for answers but what of relieving the human suffering of non believers? Please beware of 'holistic', client centred, humanistic pseudoscience with its hidden agendas.

George Yurich #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

For those atheists who claim that the fulfilled prophecies were all made-up by the gospel writers, you need to remember that Jesus was not the messiah that the Jews were looking for which is precisely why they rejected Jesus as the messiah and still do.

So no Jew would make up the personhood of Jesus. And since all of the disciples and gospel writers were Jews, then not only is your claim illogical and absurd, but it's equally illogical that any human being could make up the words of Christ because most people, (including the disciples and gospel writers) didn't understand his words!

So there is nothing logical about claiming that the gospel writers made up a man named Jesus and put words in his mouth. Not a thing. So Christ's words alone prove that he's the Son of God because most of them are beyond human understanding. And "no he's not" Just doesn't cut it. They are as meaningless as claiming that anyone of you is the emperor Napolean.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So in order to deny God, one has to literally deny reality because God's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest. And because God has to be invisible to be eternal since everything visible is finite because we can see its beginning and its end, then jsut because you can't see God doesn't at all mean he doesn't exist.! Looking for God among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There are as many theories as there are scientists. They're called speculation, not facts. That just shows that scientists are as confused as anyone else whod doesn't believe in God.

The sun is stationary and the earth orbits around it. But the earth also rotates as it orbits. At least that's what scientists say. But since they change their minds every decade, then everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt.

cheryl doyme #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

is the devil unable to read our thoughts

I would reply, very simplictically, from my own experience. When I am trying to walk with the Lord, the devil barrages my mind with evil thoughts then accuses me of them. When I stray from the path, as it were, he leaves me alone. A sure test of where I'm at!

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

None of the beliefs of atheists can be verified anywhere in history. Nowhere. So why do they have beliefs that can't be verified? Where is their evidence that Jesus isn't the Son of God? The answer is that they don't have any. None. zero. Zip. So how do they think they have a case? They don't because the facts are on our side, not theirs.

Yet they are the first ones to clamor for evidence from others. There is no book, no document, no witnesses, nothing that says that anything else happened in Jerusalem during the time of Christ than what the bible claims. Nothing. All they need is even one person who lived in Jerusalem during the time of Christ who says that Jesus never performed any miracles and that would be evidence. But they don't even have that.

So until atheists understand that it's futile to try to change history, they're fighting a losing battle. And for what? Just to risk eternal torment. They only prove Jesus right when he said; "They hated me for no reason." There's no reason to try to change history when you have no proof that it happened any differently unless one simply wants to defame someone else. Absolutely none.

Casey Powell #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Salty seas indicate that the Earth can't be any older than 62 million years old. That contradicts an Old Earth perspective.

Also, Saturns rings are properly dated back to 6000 years old. That would indicate the universe is much younger than presupposed by Evolutionists.

The list goes on and on really.

Losses of Genetic Information, destruction of DNA is a good case for people devolving, and not evolving, which means once again, advantage YECS. Being that YECS use the correct formulation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (order to disorder)....once again, DNA is supporting a YECS viewpoint over Evolution.

As such, modern Science favors a Creation Science perspective on the matter.

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The more I think about the "liberation of women" from their supposedly oppressed status under the heavy hands of men, the more astonished I am that such liberation would express itself in such determined willingness to murder helpless children, simply because of their stage of development.

The irony is breathtaking.

In Yeshua's name #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

1)Logic exist

2)Logic is absolute

3)Logic can't exist without a mind. (hence they are conceptual)

4) Logic transcends space and time.

Since logic is absolute, trascends space and time, and can't exist without a mind, therefore there must be an absolute, mind that exist and transcends space and time.

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

global warming drivel --- Their drivel is authoritarian not authoritative.

The Gov. workers that claim to be scientists are predicting year 2020 and 2050 and that way it can't be refuted. They use their computor models as generators of facts. All the stupid computors do is process assumptions dumped into the computor.

Weathermen can't go out over 7 days but these think they can 50 years.

Now the agenda.

The world hates industrialized America. If the tree hugger agenda can convince the UN, then they can pursue control of our free enterprise and prosperity.

The global warming agenda is perfect for secular progressive politicians.

As we see the globe warming as claimed, the Sahara desert will become a much more tropical rain forrest. Keep an eye on the Sahara.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

you have to remember, since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals, that gives them the free reign to breed with animals. I have no doubt many of them would, given the chance. Evolutionist scientists have, no-doubt tried to make a human/chimp baby. It wouldn't surprised me if they tried to do it naturally.

We are dealing with a perverted group of people.

flowerchild #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I want to focus on the prediction of Isaiah regarding what I posted...but just to throw a little biblical fact in....when Jesus was born it split time in half....this is historical fact....BCE/CE....can you argue with that as vague or some other thing you dismiss what is part of history based on biblical facts.....

Coconut and thechic81 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Originally Posted by thechich81
I have a serious question for everyone. My daughter, who is 3, is seeing a "monster" in the corner of the room at night. She describes it as sitting and staring at her with scary eyes. This has been happening over a period of a few months and is starting to get out of hand and really making it hard for my daughter to get a good night's sleep. How, if possible, can I rid this "monster" (which I assume is a demon) out of our room so we can rest peacefully and not be tormented. How can I "cleanse" our room?

thechic81...a suggestion...check out what is actually IN the room. Any scary books, or witch type stories or even scary toys. I know that sounds kind of weird but I have had experiences with evil forces and my pastor told me to do these things. I don't know if you are a Christian and maybe you don't believe what I am saying,,,but it's worth a try. Poor little girl, she is in my prayers too..Coconut PS It wouldn't hurt to check out the whole house for unwholesome things. I threw out some nasty old videos I didn't even know we had.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Supersport takes fundie asshattery to a whole new level]

All Aboard! Everyone hop on the Darwinist holocaust train!

Well the everyone grab your ticket! The dark side is going to make it that every man, woman and child has free health care. It's not exactly the same, but for me it brings back images of the jews being led towards the death showers in Germany.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

If stars are powered by hydrogen, then why, with the hundreds of billions of stars (as scientists claim, although how they counted them is anyone's guess ::MI ), then why is the atmosphere in space cold, not hot? One would think that with hundreds of billions of stars giving off enough hydrogen and fire to be seen by the inhabitants of the earth, that space would be an inferno, not extremely cold. So why isn't it? :confused:

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Actually you're one of the ones who laughed at me for saying that the light from the stars is reflected light. And the light from Mars proves that it is reflected light. So do you think that now that Pluto is removed from the list of planets that it suddenly turned into a ball of fire like scientists claim the other stars are? Or is the light from Pluto reflected light also? Or are you so confused you have no idea what's fact and fantasy?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So now that pluto is not considered a planet then did it simply burst into a ball of flames? No. it didn't. Therefore, it being a star does not mean that its light isn't reflected light.

So it's clear that evolutionists have no clue where the light from stars comes from which is precisely why they think that attacking others makes them look more knowledgable. But it doesn't. It only shows their ignorance even more.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Carico is back from her suspension, and it seems that she used the time to have the rest of her brain removed]

Since I've been laughed at here for saying that scientists claim that the light from the stars is reflected light, then what provides the light from Mars? Scientists have already explored it and found it is not powered by hydrogen as they have claimed. So again, where does the light from Mars come from?

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Watch me disprove human evolution!

First of all, I would just like to say that for me, it’s always a pleasure disproving evolution. I mean disproving literally trillions and trillions of hours of research by individuals who have an uncanny ability to misrepresent the evidence is – well – just a special feeling.

But what’s even more gratifying is when I can do it in such a way that is so incredibly indesputable, that even a kindergartner can understand it, and the most brilliant Phd can’t refute it.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The fact that atheists are terrified of the word sin is as much proof of God as the fact that atheists curse Christ is. The reason for that is that the word "sin" implies guilt and judgment. Otherwise there is no reason for atheists to avoid the word like the plague.

But since atheists are very predictable, they'll either claim that they have no problem with the word "sin", even though they've made these comments about the word:

1) The word sin is a Christian concept
2) There's no such thing as sin
3) Prove that sin exists

or they'll claim that by admitting they sin, that is admitting they believe in God. But they have no problem saying any other word in Christianity. So either way, they avoid the word because they feel judged by it. And rightly so because they are being judged by God which is why they avoid the word. And if you avoid it because you don't believe in sin, then why can you use the word "zeus" when you don't believe in zeus?

So your fear of the word is very telling indeed. But I got news for you; word games don't make God go away, nor do they make you any less guilty. But the avoidance of the word "sin" is what proves that you know that God exists.

But to try to win the argument, you might admit you sin. If so, then what do you do with your sins? Do you keep on justifying them? If so, then why do you think there should be no hell? Or do you ask for forgiveness for them? If so, who can take them away from you? Oh some people might not hold your sins against you, but how can they make them go away?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[The burden of proof is on the Christian to prove God, not the skeptic to disprove him]

If a man writes a book about history, do you know why it's called libel to accuse him of lying with no proof of your claims? Three guesses and the first 2 don't count.

If a prosecutor presents facts and evidence against a defendant, do you know why, "I didn't do it" by the defendant just doesn't cut it? Three guesses and the first 2 don't count.

So when we present proof that the world is round to a blindman, what do you propose we do if he can't see it? Claim it doesn't exist? Sorry friend, but you really need to think things through a lot more deeply.

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