Keemah #fundie
I believe that, ideally, only a man should be president.
I believe that, ideally, only a man should be president.
truth be told i have heard alot of people say that a great quake was going to hit that area [California] this year, hopefully not, but if so i hope it leads to even just one repenter and a new family member in Christ.
[More on David Blaine]
There are a lot of jealous magicians out there who downplay the reality of what Blaine is doing and try to explain it away. He does levitate. He does so by demonic power. The scripture speaks of lying wonders in the last days.
[re: David Blaine]
You aren't getting mesmerized by him are you? He is VERY VERY EVIL!!!!! He is using spirits that are NOT of God to do the things he does! Be careful of what you are watching. When he went to Haiti he scared them and they are FULL of evil and witch craft there!
[re: "Friends" TV show]
Here's the proble, why not watch "Ellen" also? Thats right, because it IS backing AND promoting UNCHRISTIAN, ANTIBILICAL, ways of thinking. Why stop at "Ellen" let's start watching the MOST antibiblical show that's on T.V. right now, "DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES"! The bible tells us to "TURN FROM SIN"! Not, "repent and watch what you would like on television".
I'm a writer for a national magazine. Following the popularity of "The Exocism of Emily Rose," we're looking for a teen (girl 0r boy) who has gone through a similiar experience. Either the teen was exorcised or was forced to go through a ceremony, but fought their parents or family because he/she didn't believe in it.
We want to tell your story in your own words. If you are this person or have any leads to this person, please contact me at [email address]. This is real and we are looking for teens who have actually had a priest perform an exorcism on him/her. It is not meant to offend. We are just looking to tell your story.
if an asteroid impacted the earth, and the asteroid were say, 10 billion years old, that would mean the earth would suddenly age from 4.5 billion to 10 billion.
Are not planets formed by interstellar dust coming together? Isn't the dust older than the formation?
I think God brought to pass the Dark Ages upon mankinds psyche because we were moving to fast (and apostate) just like we are moving to fast today (and apostate both as a people and a nation) but God wanted us 500 years short in our schooling of this world. Though we are moving way to fast now it is OK since we happen to be on God's schedule now -500 years progress instead of our own schedule so it is OK if our scientific and technological advances outstrip our social and cultural achievements even up to the point that social and cultural goals have gone literally abandond by those who humanly rule this world.
About dinosaur bones, the carbon and radioactive dating are dependant on many factors that we cannot prove and on top of that the results you see are actually only the 20% the scientists like. The other 80% of the results are discarded. The other dating methods they use is to date the bones by the layer of earth they are in, and yet they date the layer of earth by the bones found in it.
Archealogy was invented as a tool and a weapon against those who belived in God but now that weapon also has given in to the Word of God and has failed because archealogy does more now to prove God than to disprove Him.
Archealogy was just fine as long as it was one sided because as long as it was one sided they could make it say or mean anything that they wished the evidence to say but now that those who honor God have been involved with archealogy for so long the Devil has taken a sore whipping as he will continue to fight a losing battle.
Remember how Adam was lonely and wanted a mate? So God marched all the animals in front of Adam for him to name them and choose one. But none satisfied him so God made him Eve.
Now Soloman said in the book of Ecclesiates that nothing is new under the sun. Therefore Adam's lonileness was NOT new and was a reflection of what God felt. God was alone and needed fellowship. He made angels, but they probably dont have souls and do not love, therefore He made man to have free choice and love Him. Is not the church Christ's bride? Is a wife a pee-on? Maybe to some men, but that is not the proper response.
Galveston also has a huge Mardi Gras festival every year at the same time that New Orleans does. My uncle lives in Galveston and goes every year, and I assure you, if his "b**bs for beads" photo album is any indicator, it is just as sin soaked at the one in th New Orleans.
What are the chances that two hurricanes would plow into these two areas within weeks of each other? And right into two places that have crazy Mardi Gras celebrations every year?
Okay, it is probably a huge coincidence, but my jaw did drop when my husband pointed that out to me!
We out here in Houston, TX are going to let God have His way. If He wants to bring three more hurricanes this way after Rita-for whatever reason, that's okay with us. We love God-His Good and His wrath.
It's not only hurricains that are occurring in a strange way. Considering the Jet Blue airplane in Los Angeles-there have been a lot of airplanes landing while on fire. Many during the last three months alone. What is it with the fire? Is it preperation for more of what's to occur during the end times with airplanes that will be crashing?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrow.
God sent Jonah to Ninnavah and told them to repent
still judgement fell (on later generations after they repentented)
because God is a just God and won't let sin go un punished.
Pray for our country for it is a wicked country with open homosexuality
And the aborted babies "WE" have allowed to be killed, not to mention
the organized crime and drug trafficing.
Yes, I would dare say God is judging this Country. God sent Israel into
the land of cannon and gave their land to the Israelits, Cannon was
wicked to say the least, they were offering their new borns to Dagon
"IN THE FIRE" God said not to be like them.
this country should repent and in a hurry
These Senators are like a bronco rider that think that there is not a bronco or horse that they cannot ride, or no bronco that they cannot tame. These few Senators are like these bronco riders, which don’t like the agony of torment from any kind of - defeat. After still bear the bruises and injuries of defeat, they are like these bronco still bare much hatred within their hearts, from this they’re own prior put down. With these same partisan Senators they will this time be coming out with blood in their eyes, this is when this our new nominee will need all the prayers that they can get, with this great yoke that they shall now very soon be bearing.
The druids had practiced human sacrifice. Over 500 skeletal remains were found at Stone hendge from the scrifices they would do. Believe it or not, in hard-core satanism, human sacrifice still goes on today. Poeple are just so oblivious to it and don't realize that it goes on. Hallowe'en is a "real special" day to satanists and is one of their sabbits. Hallowe'en is a real sacred day to them. Animal sacrifices are quite frequent on each of the sabbit days in the occult.
Satan has his agents/occult workers assigned to christians churches and christian message board forum disguising themselves as chrsitians, to silence the truth.
Mohammed certainly wasn't - he was the original terrorist, who made a living from raiding caravans, raped captives of war, took a six year-old girl for his wife, committed genocide against various tribes, invented revelations to feed his own lust for power, sex, and money, and instituted a policy of dominate, subjugate, and exterminate everywhere he went. This is all clearly chronicled if not glorified in the koran and the hadith, which is essentially his biography. His legacy lives on today, in the spirit of Ismael as it was prophecied to Hagar so long ago. This is true islam, and as long as the koran and hadith/sunnah exist, and there are muslims honest enough to recognize and implement mohammed's true agenda, there will be crazyness like what is described above. That person may only speak for a small (though growing) section of people over here, but in the old country it's often the majority.
The argument of "there are crazy muslims just as crazy Christians" is not an honest examination. It's not whether there can be crazy people of either, but what kind of person is the true muslim/christian? The true emulator of mohammed is what is described above - imitating his life. The emulator of Christ is what we see in the bible. The difference is astounding and obvious. Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God, and have diametrically opposed doctrines and characterizations of God/Allah.
Now, as to the question of will there be animals in heaven? Yes. I'm sure there will be. God wanted them here, there might be some there. I don't know if there would be venomous snakes or black widow spiders or scorpions, locusts or even mosquitos. He made those too, but in a perfect world would there be a need for what we consider deadly animals? Of course, in a perfect world they wouldn't kill us (obviously), but then again they are selfish creatures only caring about survival.
The secular version of evolution really goes back to what they call the beginning when stars exploded in space and the debris collected together to form the earth. Then apparently a single cell, or several cells survived millions of degrees of heat, then sub zero temperatures of space and evolved into plants, animals and humans. In my opinion that is so lame that I cant believe it is actually taught in schools as the "big bang theory" and evolution. I can see adaptation being called evolution to an extent, but living cells evolving into all the different things on this Earth? Besides why would there ever have been living cells in a star to begin with. Or were the living cells just floating around in space and the debris picked them up? Gee, where did the living cells come from to begin with? Must be chemicals floating around in space just happen to randomly come together in space to form the millions of different living things on Earth.
Also, why do I have my soul/spirit, and you have yours? I wonder how science explains that one?
I am sorry, I guess I just believe wholeheartedly that God created everything including Adam (from dust, just as His Word says).
The good news is that science is supporting biblical scripture more and more all the time.
Women who belong to witches covens are known to gain occultic powers over the men with whom they enter into a relationship and usually succeed when they entice them into having a sexual relationship with them. In their covens they are taught to target Christian men and women with an intent to maliciously destroy their Chriistian witness and esprecially their relationship with Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, they have the devil as their father and they desire to do his will.
Explain to me how a bang of gases just happens to explode one day because it has nothing better to do after thousands of years. Has fire ever created one living life form, or does it destroy every one it comes across. Did a tree evolve too? A flower and a bee? Water came out of that explosion too? Salt and regular huh?
Am I wrong in saying that it is mostly women who condone halloween and Harry Potter?
For the record, I have not read any of the Harry Potter books. I have watched I think ONE of the movies, and I am totally against it. What is the entire premise of the series?? Witchcraft??
Remember an old show called Soap? Billy Crystal played the gay-child? He did WONDERS in desensitizing the American people to the homosexual lifestyle! I mean he was cute, he was lovable and he was funny!!
Isn't the same true with Harry Potter? Look folks, step right up, there is nothing here to harm you!! So you dabble a little here and a little there, and then the next thing we know our Christian-raised children are questioning their religion and wanting to look into Wicca, or some other rituals.
I love the Chick tracts...especially "This Was Your Life"....that one pointed me to my need for the Savior. Yes, the Chick tracks can be a little offensive to witches, people who celebrate halloween, gays and Catholics...but overall, they do present a very CLEAR Gospel message....something that is so lacking in many churches.
But on Halloween or as an alternate to Halloween I say we ought not even ponder it. The church need to completely stay away from the tradition. The heathens can celebrate the holiday and it isn't going to much matter in the end one way or the other. Halloween will be the least of their problems come one day. But as for the church... I lean toward having nothing at all to do with the holiday no matter what name we want to call it.
Evolution says everything happened by chance. The forming of the earth, the setting distance from the sun, water to give life, seasons to renew, and emotions evolved out of instinct. When did man go from animal to man? A missing link? A theory? You can't find a bone like ours older than 14,000 to 16,000 thousand years ago. Wasn't that around the time of Adam and Eve? Did the food supply evolve alond with each species, or was all the food alreadt here. How would evolution know that? I mean, what we and others eat.
Did we fly they begin to walk again? Did a baby come first or a grown adult? Who would feed it and what would it eat? Would it mate with another like itself, or go backwards mating with what it evolved from? Wouldn't it then be in an endless cycle of evolution and we would still be evolving also? At what point would we stop evolving? Would evolution predetermine when we became perfect in our reproductions of one another?
Spiritual/mystical experience as I have known it is far greater evidence than anything physical. It affects your entire being and changes the way you view life, the world, and God. In other words, it's much more powerful than physical evidence.
There's a huge difference between different holy books and the bible. Every holy book points to a god. The Bible is the word of God. Regardless of your religion, they all point to one supreme being. Let's assume they are all talking about the one true God but the Bible is the only holy book where God came as man to deliver his message and salvation.
God is going to pour out His judgments on all the nations of the earth (including America) for their abominable mistreatment of His people the Jews . . . and that time is closer than we think.
Many modern day evangelicals pit the historicity of the information contained in scripture against the symbolic/typological overtones and meanings in the text. But perhaps God, the Master Playwright, meant for it all to work together. Consider John chapter 21. We read that the disciples caught 153 large fish. 153 is the triangular of 17. 17 is 7 + 10, and has to do with the nations of the world, as there were 70 (70 x 10) in Genesis 10. In Acts 2 we find there are 17 nations present. So, yes 153 is a new covenant form of the 70 nations of the world. But, still, there really were 153 large fish caught.
all acts whether a building falls and crushes people or a enviromental disaster occurs are acts to have people repent. Yes God could have put His hand down and stopped the storm..He could have also stopped Adam and Eve from eating the fruit, but He gave us choices and He works with our choices, He is long suffering..very long suffering, but everything is done for His glory and our repentance so that we can have the gift of relationship with Him.
The reason Darwin had to mention God in his book, was the mindset of that time. Like so many have alread admitted, and understand, Creation was the accepted thing at that time. And the biggest precent of the population were Christian. So to attack this, in the form that Darwin could have done, would have been sure death for his book, and his idea. Because every pulpit would have been preaching against it, and people would of had preconcieved ideas, even before reading the book. So God was mentioned because Darwin was not stupid to not do so.
Seems the US got what it had comming to it in interfaring in ''God's Land'' so God punished the US.
The US will be hit worst next time, i belive this was a small warning.
Well, it takes more faith to believe in NO GOD, then to believe in one anyway!
My prayers go out to her [Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists] and those that follow her!
I believe that God's acts can range from very small to very large, it just seems very odd that the majority of that coast was a pit for gambling, prostitution, sexual immorality and other things.
It was WELL KNOWN for this. Yes, those same things happen in very small towns all over the world, but perhaps God chose this location because it is known as a "BIG" location for those things.
Evolution is science's biggest pet theory. Just about all research is always made to look like it supports evolution in some form or fashion. Take away evolution and all it's support mechanisms, and see what is in support of the other fields of science. Because when they do not connect dots to the main pet theory, it becomes a useless thought that looks more like a shot in the dark with no target to hit.
The Bible says that our bodies belong to our spouse once we're married and to withhold sex from one another is witchcraft, so I would think that both would be wrong. If our bodies belong to each other within marriage, would masturbation be considered fornication with ourselves?
They also have sensors that are so accurate that they can tell the difference between a human walking on all fours and an animal.
All Aliens are in Roswell N.M.
I don't care what happens at area 51, secrets are a good thing.
CERN is an Illuminati ran orginazation. Dr. Robert Langdon proved it. He also showed how they work closely with the Vattican.
I am glad that as much of it [New Orleans] is gone as possible. However, Satan made sure he held the water away from his sess-poll of sin and left the French Quarters in tact. Funny thing is that it is up on a high slab and the people's neighborhood houses were built low to sea leavel. God will always win. With that river and lake around those unpredictable levees that is the last place anyone will want to have a convention at or live at until they straighten up and walk right.
Area 51 is one of the Controversial area's in the US and in the world.
No one can go there or come close to the gate's without clearance unless you work there otherwise they will shoot on site.
Is it a weapon's test area? or where they built the newest Jets like the F117's.
Are there realy alien's helping them there ? or?
I think the Nephilim could quite easyly be working in there.
I think more about the coming of Christ than I do about God's judgment when things like this happen. Notice things are happening more and more frequently, and more intense. I don't know, I just get chills when I think about it.
I got a chance to visit New Orleans for the first time ever July 2005 and I couldn't believe the wickedness that was <u>allowed</u> and <u>accepted</u> throughout what they called the French Quarters on Bourbon Street. All of the accepted sin and wickedness that went on for blocks in the downtown area seven days a week looked and smelled just like New Orleans looks now. Everything from the Hustler women dancing exotically in the streets (Hustler Maganize had their own building territory), transvestites performing in the night clubs, bars full of drunk people, women flashing their breasts throughout the streets-no Ma'de Celebration needed, people drunk like zombies walking into buildings and parked cars, females dancing nasty just to get men to buy alcohol from them in test tubes, and worst of all, all of this sin has been done and handed down for many generations to where it became sin done up and down the public street tamed and accepted by the city, the law enforcement officials, the entire government of the United States, etc—<u>as the norm</u>. Everybody saw, knew it was going on-and looked the other way. Maybe no one every attempted to stop it because of the value they placed on the people in the city. Now that lack of value is about to cost a hefty penny.
Not only that, almost everything in New Orleans has the name “Voodoo” on it. From the stores to the restaurants. Something is wrong with that. <font color="blue">How can a so many people who know God, still worship powers of darkness?</font>
not too long ago I posted something about G-d Judging those who would Divide The holy land. This hurrican is a direct judgement from G-D against those involved in messing with His chosen Nation, Israel.
The post I put up said if The Jews are removed from the Land, Gaza is part of the land, just watch the news because Some disasster will follow this tragic event. And I said it won't take long to see it take place.
It would seem there is some evil spirit that's moving from one Christian forum to another destroying them. There are a lot of them in shambles from what I've seen.
[Replying to a story about <a href="" target="_blank">650 Shiite Iraqis who died in a stampede</a> resulting from a suicide bomb threat.]
But Iraq is a demonic place and especially the area around Baghdad and The River Euphrates which is around Babylon.
River Euphrates, that is where the 200 million demons would be released.
These 4 Angels were probably fallen angels who had been bound / locked up at River Euphrates.
A very dark evil force brewing up in Iraq..........the chaos of idol worshippings.
The faith called Atheism is not a threat to us but obviously God is a threat to you—or you wouldn't be here promoting atheism.
Since the facts do not prove evolution, since the fossil record does not show any transition from one species to another, since "scientific" dating methods have been proven unreliable, let us remember that for those who desperately desire to reject God, evolution is a religion of last resort. If there is no Creator, there can be no sin, and no need of a Saviour.
[On celebrities aborting abnormal babies]
My grandma commented on all these celebrities having perfect babies well into there 50's. That's why, they don't carry the imperfect ones. It's in all the new pregnancy books as well.
There are times where I just wish to go home to be with the Lord and feel that it's pointless to even be here.