
Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Denying God takes effort. So the claim that atheists/evolutionists make that there is no proof of God is bogus. In order to deny God atheists/evolutionists have to:

1) Make up another story for the origin of man such as apes just turing into humans or breeding human descendants when they haven't done that since the beginning of recorded history. That entails volumes and volumes of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole that can't be proven to occur in reality.

2) Changing history and inventing a new history of the Jews to claim that the first man wasn't Adam. That takes a great amount of effort.

3) Making up new events that happened in Jerusalem to claim that Jesus didn't show his divinity through his words and actions.

4) Spending thousands of hours trying to figure out how the earth was formed, particularly since it took, according to evolutionists, man millions of years to think up the "Big Bang."

5) Trying to figure out why all the disciples and apostles would give up their lives for a lie.

6) Claiming there is no intelligent design using contradictory claims that chance causes cause-effect in the universe.

7) Claiming that energy can be converted into mass when energy doesn't contain mass.

8) Claiming that sex between humans is bestiality because they claim that humans are animals; or claiming that bestiality is sex between humans and animals, but denying that sex between humans is bestiality even though evolutionists claim that humans are animals!

9) Atheists claiming that they know better than eye-witnesses what happened at an event that atheists themselves didn't witness.

10) Trying to explain the sedimentary rock layers all over the world in any other way than a flood including a world-wide tsunami.

11) And even with all their effort, no one has still been able to explain the existence of the first living organism, the first plant, or living being. Yet atheists refuse to admit God's existence.

So the above scenarios are deliberate denial of God because they take a tremendous amount of effort to conjure up. Some people spend their whole lives trying to find explanations that deny God. So this shows that not only do humans know that God exists because of the effort they have to put into trying to refute God, but the irrational and contradictory arguments they have to endorse to deny God!

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Not one single contradiction eh? I have pointed out many self contradicting statements. You have failed to respond to them with an objection. Silence is acceptance. Therefore, you have agreed to many of the contradictions I have provided. And as such, since you have agreed to them, and now wish to turn around and disagree with them, you are refuting your own statement yet again.

And, if I wish to refute your Atheism thats simple. If all truth is relative, and that is absolutely true, all truth is not relative, and that is absolutely false. Position no. 1, Relativism is false.

Position no. 2 has been refuted with the Anti-Atheistic Argument, which is a refutation of the Objective position of Atheism. Hence your Atheism has been refuted.

sammy1980 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The thing is I see how gay rights movement systematically operates in our culture, where Christians are ending up being persecuted: like in University of Missouri a student almost got expelled because she opposed gay adoption, there are many more cases like that. Now, there is a movement called Soulforce, whose attempt is to influence public opinion that the biblical position on homosexuality that many Christians hold, is an act of hateful violence. I wasn't convinced of that until I went to their website, and humbly shared with them the information about how our Christian brothers and sisters are being discriminated for their beliefs. I wanted to raise awareness, hoping to reach their hearts. Some of them seemed respectful at first, but then started accusing me of being 'antigay.' They even called an organization Alliance Defense Fund, that helped a lot of people defend their 1st Amendment right, as something similar to Nazism. I told them that I thought it was not right to call anybody who stands for justice, as ADF does, as antigay or so forth and I left. Was I being too harsh? But I believe I had to say that.

I'm worried folks, these guys go around the country and talk how oppressed they are and blame conservative Christians for that, attack Christian schools, and compare family advocates like James Dobson and James Kennedy to Hitler's Nazis. God knows, if their rhetoric could influence the government. The question I have is: how do we reach people like that with Christ's love and tell them the truth at the same time?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Christians can only seem to throw out the same tired mischaracterizations, no matter how many times they've been corrected.]

Corrected by whom? Omniscient people or fallible human beings? Sorry, believing fallible minds only leads to more fallibility. Only fools seek out fallible minds.

Lion #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"Ok, here is the theory. There were these creatures with a light sensitive patch. Through a series of completely random mutations this light patch is turned into something akin to a modern eye. Ok, fanciful but plausible. What is not plausible is the idea that said random mutations produced a second eye that is nearly identical to the first, in the same creature."

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I just heard a statistic that atheists comprise only about 1% of the American population. That's because most people know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral. So since atheists have admitted they don't know the difference bewteen these things, then it's a waste of time for all of us if you come here. No one is gaining anything.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Evolutionists have dreamed up a whole theory based on mutations. Millions of them, we are told, have arisen randomly, for no reason -- without any beneficial direction -- only to be chosen later by natural selection. This dogma has been forced down our throats ad nauseam. But you would think, being so-called scientists, that evolutionists would have tested this assertion. Wouldn't it only be logical to test to see if the so-called "fit" mutations actually had deleterious effects on surrounding molecules? Well, I think that would only be fair. But have evolutionists bothered to test and/or report the details to the uninformed public in their books? Of course not. And do you know why? It's because the evolutionary scientific communtiy is largely immoral and simply cannot be trusted. Period. Their little pet theory is like an emotional security blanket to them, and they don't want people -- especially Christians -- taking away their nite-nite blankey.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Then why do atheists only quote the parts in the bible that describe God's wrath and never quote the parts that talk about his love? The answer is simple; to try to jsutify their hatred of God. So sorry, but again the actions of atheists contradict their words.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Do atheists ever listen? No. They're too interested in criticizing and hating God to see what they've done to deserve punishment! And because they refuse to see their own sins, they call God a murderer. How convenient.

They always overlook the thousands of times that each one of them has: lied to their parents, friends, themselves, cursed God and their fellow man, murdered in their hearts, lusted after whatever aroused them, coveted their neighbor's: houses, cars, intelligence, wealth, status, etc., taken money they could have given to the poor, eaten food they could have given to the hungry, tried to convince people to seek everlasting death, reduced God's creation to an accident and the existence of man to the wombs of wild beasts, lived to serve themselves instead of God, denied their creator, and worst of all, claimed they are good people for all of the above and more! And because they don' see these wrongdoings and more, they continue them.

So until you can even begin to see your own sins, you'll never understand God's wrath or his love. So it does no good to complain about God because it won't take away your punishment, it will only ensure it just like a convicted criminal arguing with a judge. And even if a criminal can't admit his crimes, it does not exempt him from punishment but increases it because of his lack of remorse.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven.

We have deformed skulls to prove that these aliens once had ape-like foreheads, and some walked on 2 legs and others walked on 4 legs. And since there have been confirmed sightings of alien spacecraft, that proves that they have come back to check on how things are going on planet earth.

We don't know who the first alien was, but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them. Then when they had explored planet earth, they found it boring and decided to leave but not before some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones. From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair. These are what evolutionists call facts, so we've proven that aliens once ruled the planet earth."

lightwait #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So, when are we going to get our swords and spears and guns and knives and planes and bombs and kill these people of the world. I mean, after all, it doesn't seem like God is going to do it so we might as well cut the world off and out of these forums so they cannot hear the truth. We surely do not want anyone bringing false truths into our midst so we can lovingly correct them as did Christ Jesus and the Apostles. I say nuke the nukers!!!!!

I am sickened in my heart by the fear that is welling up in this group.

Get thee behind me Satan...

coadie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

The closest thing to a published "gay agenda", and what is (far as I know) exclusively quoted as such, is:
"After the Ball. -How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's" By Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, published in 1989... A couple found comments regarding this "Gay Manifesto": 1~ "...this book became the authoritative public relations manual for the homosexual agenda, and its authors presented the book as a distillation of public relations advice for the homosexual community." 2~ "...This book is a blueprint for gay activists for applying brainwashing techniques developed by the totalitarian regime of Communist China." 3~"...Most gay people, and most proponents of gay rights have never read or even heard of the book."

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Satan is really good at getting people to believe his lies. One of those lies is that your mother hates you. She does not. God's word says a mother cannot forget her nursing child.

You just think she hates you because of the way she acts. And she acts as she does because of her own pain, and Satan's lies that she is believing instead of God's Word. (For example, she is clearly not believing that God formed you in her womb for His purposes, and that those purposes are good.)

You can break free of this vicious cycle by choosing to believe what God says about the matter.

BillyJones #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Philosophically, Evil enhances the Christian position. It does have some benefits to us, such as, it gives us a sense when we're about to do something to get us killed, we know not to do that something. Atheists have no explanation for evil....so Buddhism, which is based around Atheism tries to eradicate it, and declare it to be an "escape from reality."

baphomet #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

If an angel was in a UFO that led the astrologers (the 'wise men') to the young child Jesus in that house (Mt 2:11), then it must have been a wicked angel. How so? We have these pagan astrologers (Greek, "magoi"; see De 18:10-12 and Isa 47:13,14) traveling along and they see a "star". (how convenient; astrologers.....stars.....) Does it lead them directly to Jesus? Nope. They next end up in front of the wicked King Herod in Jerusalem. (Mt 2:1,2) Herod lies to the astrologers and tells them to go find the Christ and report back to him so he can worship him also. (Mt 2:8) His real intention was to kill Jesus. (Mt 2:13) Now an assassination plot has been assembled and the astrologers are the dupes in this scheme. So the astrologers start to travel and see the "star" again. This time it leads them to Bethlehem and to not a baby, but the young child Jesus in his house. (Mt 2:9) After they pay their homage to Jesus, the astrologers are ready to head back to Jerusalem to report to Herod as instructed. So up to this point, following the "star" has just about got Jesus killed! How is God going to stop it? He warns them in a dream not to go back to Herod. (Mt 2:12) So who was using the "star" to help carry out an evil assassination plot? Who else, but the manslayer and opposer of God, Satan the Devil. Thus the next time you see a 'star' on top of a Christmas tree, remember that it represents a wicked angel who was determined to have Jesus, the Son of God, killed.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[What the world would be like if evolution were true.]

"We'd all be breeding new species as offspring! And we can give them the new names of different species. So one family would say; my grandson is a homosittingus, and another human would say; my grandson is a mutant Ninja Turtle. Ah the world of fantasy. "

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[In reply to how the animals migrated after the Flood.]

The animals all migrated to the areas for which they were created. For example, the polar bear was created to endure cold seasons whereas the rhinocerous was created to be amphibious. They migrated just like all humans did.

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"I thought I might introduce a Science that has become very popular to everyone. Its called Axiology. It studies the Human Morals and Values of people and their very being! Interesting stuff huh? So, I guess if the Atheist wishes everything to be proven through Science, this counts then, correct?

But the problem that the Atheist has is no explanation for Morality!

Thus, Atheism as an Axiological Science fails its own standards of proving everything through Science. (Moral Relativism is not an answer here).

On the other hand, it appears that Christianity can NOW be proven through Science . http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=002...2.0.CO%3 B2-P

Works pretty well for us, don't it!"

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The Black and Yellow Garden Spider - . . . The major issue here of course to the Evolutionists is that these spiders undergo several moults before they are fully grown. If they don't shed their skin, then they die. How would the spider know this until it grew too big for its shell and die?

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So where are all these evolutionary failures that did not survive because one of the millions of variables didn't work? Where are the freaks without arms or feet or ribs or knees or spines???? Where are all the animals that had eyes on the back of their heads or webbed feet in the desert? ARe you telling me a Gorillas simply could not survive with webbed feet? Where are the millions of kooks in nature that should be there in the fossil record??? Why don't we see randomly mutating humans today with purple and pink striped skin or 4 arms? Wouldn't 4 arms be a survival advantage? Well -- of course they would -- so where are they? Why do all humans have the same basic characteristics? With the goofy way that mutations happen, I would soon expect an arm to grow out of the top of somebody's head by accident.

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

For a long time, Evolutionists have made up plenty of just-so stories, but I"m not really all that convinced that they are really doing any field research or laboratory work of their own. My thoughts are that they've been copying off of the Young Earth Creation Science works and claiming it as their own. I'm just asking for one piece of legitimate work from an Evolutionist that hasn't been stolen.

lion #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Man can only walk in moral darkness. He can never know the unintended consequesnces of both his good acts and his evil acts. Only God can mitigate said consequences (of both good and evil acts) to usher in ultimate good and lasting good.

An example: You save a man from drowning - a good act indeed. Yet that man goes out that night and rapes and kills four women. Your good act, saving a man's life, is directly related to the death of these woman. If you had to allowed the man to drown those women would still be alive.

We are morally blind, blind to the consequences of both our good acts and evil acts...

LoneStar #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Does allah accept his responsibilities for the millions he has killed through mahomet, the terrorist? For the orders he gives continually to kill?

No one is killed through the Christ, in fact the Christ was killed for the killers, so they can find mercy/forgiveness and live.

Mahomet kills again and again. Even tho he is dead, he kills through his agents. Killers burn in hell. Hope it's cozy for him.

christdependent #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

(1)portraying fundamentalist Christianity as sinister, dangerous, and antiquated, while (2) picking on those poor little homosexuals and trying to establish a theocracy to impose their moral values, like the Nazis, etc.

Just another appeal to emotions, the psychological strategy being to pit one emotion (fear) against the other (hatred), labelling those who oppose the homosexual agenda as the latter, who are actually to be feared. Middle-of-the-road Christians are the target of these appeals, as these activists have properly identified those who refuse to budge from WHAT IS WRITTEN as being beyond their sway.

lion #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Are the laws of logic universal or conventional? The atheist can not say that the law of logic are universal for he has no way of knowing that. The best he can say is that said laws seem to hold, for now. So the atheist's entire system of "rational" thought rests on laws and conditions that may or may not be ultimately true.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

It makes so much more sense than apes breeding humans and humans evolving into an entirely new species. But since atheists live in a fantasy world, they can't see how irrational that is and they are the last people to talk about what's rational and what is't. Their beliefs aren't even in the rhealm of reality.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

We all know that the theory of evolution was the product of the imagination of Charles Darwin. Darwin imagined that humans descended from apes. He hadn't even found a skull or a bone about which he could make up new stories when he formulated this theory. That is a fact. Yet Evolutionists always claim that God is a figment of the imaginations of Christians.

But Jesus showed us that God exists and the only defense that atheists have against that is denying it. So evolution is an imaginary belief and Christianity comes from outside the imagination from the words and actions of Jesus.

And this is how Satan deceives us into believing that the imagination is the truth and outside evidence is a lie. Apes don't breed humans in reality. But the lie that they do leads to other lies like making up Jewish history and other circumstances in Jerusalem other than what was documented.

This lie also leads evolutionists to claim that evolving isn't improvement but digression, (thus contradicting the original theory), that animals turn into other animals, that humans are animals when we rule over all animals and can outsmart or kill any animal, that bestiality is sex between humans and that humans can breed descendants who will turn into anything from aliens to tube worms!

These lies have now gone from the world of fantasy to irrationality. And yet evolutionists will still continue to make irrational statemements like those above, invent new lies about history and pre-history in order to deny God. That just proves the degree of irrationality that one has to descend to deny God. It isn't even in the rhealm of reality.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Please give an example of when nothing but energy is converted into mass, other than the Big Bang. Thank you. :)

[Particle accelerators can do it.]

Sorry, but there was no particle accelerator at the beginning of the universe. ;) So it's impossible for energy to be converted into mass because energy doesn't contain mass. But mass does contain energy so mass can be converted into energy. But energy cannot be converted into mass unless acted upon by mass. It therefore cannot create mass. So the converse of Einstein's theory is untrue. Sorry. ;)

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[In response to link to wikipedia article which states the earliest known inhabitants of the area currently called Israel and Judah were Mousterian Neanderthals]

So are they claiming that the father of Abraham, was a neanderthal? Is that when the first Jew popped out of a neanderthal? And you guys think Christians are irrational? Sorry, but no ancient people can document that the father of Abraham was a neanderthal That is as made up as the notion that the fathers of the first humans were aliens. Don't you find it odd that no ancient people have ever talked about anyone's father being a neanderthal? That is totally absent in any history. Why do you think that is?

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

You see, you all seem so confident, but I think the theory of evolution is fraudulent...it's nothing but smoke and mirrors. There is no substance what-so-ever to it. NONE. And let me prove it to you.

Natural selection is THE creative force to the theory of evolution. In fact, the whole theory was dreamed up around this one concept. The thinking man would assume that a theory that has literally billions of hours of thought and thinking behind it would have a premise that was TESTED at least once! But you know what....the little theory that has hoodwinked a large part of society has a little secret...and that secret is that the chosen mechanism isn't worth a dime. And that mechanism is called natural selection.

Now see, I can call natural selection worthless, as evolutionists define it, because it truly has NEVER been tested/confirmed on animals in a controlled setting. And just like the creationists they love to ridicule for living on faith, evolutionists are also living on faith that natural selection works on the level of the organism like they claim.
This is a very simple challenge. And my prediction is that you will be able to show me nothing. Indeed, science for the past 100 years has relied on a concept that they just don't have the guts to test. And the reason they don't have the guts to test it is because they KNOW it's a fraudulent premise.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So when will humans develp wings, a beak, or maybe alien traits since evolutionists claim that only fitter species survive?

And since they've already claimed that we came from our less fit ancestor apes, then what is more fit than humans? Aliens perhaps? So sorry, evolutionists, but your contradictions are exposed and your game is over even if you deny it. Claiming that animals turn into humans and explaining it by the survival of fitter species presupposes that humans will turn into a completely new and superior species than we are today.

So when will that be and what will that entail? A god perhaps? How anyone can adopt such a ludicrous and impossible notion that apes breed anything but apes & humans breed anything but humans not only contradicts biology and reality, but it is an embarrassment to humanity, not to mention those who consider themselves "experts" in biology. It only proves that "For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight." The theory of evolution is more impossible than anything in the bible. It would probably have been laughed out of science fiction books before the 19th century. That shows that humans are indeed in a state of decay, rather than more fit than the minds of previous generations.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The god of atheists is the human being. They believe there is no power in the universe higher than the human mind. They also believe that their beliefs determine reality. In other words, they think that if they don't believe in hell, then that means that hell doesn't exist.

So the god of theists is as tangible as the statues of zeus, Apollo, Athena, and other tangible objects that break and die. So it's a false claim they make when they say they don't believe in God. They just think they know better than Christ does who the real God is. There can hardly be anything more arrogant. But it's Satan who's leading them to these irrational conclusions. They just don't know it.

catholicwifeandmom #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Also, if the motivation for legalized abortion really is to save the lives of women, why don’t we legalize rape? After all, it is not uncommon for a woman to be killed by a rapist to keep her from identifying him to the authorities. Legalizing rape would save those women by taking away that motivation. We could also set up rape clinics where rapists could take their victims. These centers could offer clean rooms, condom machines, emergency contraception, and perhaps even doctors on staff in case the rapist injures his victim. We could even issue licenses to rapists requiring them to undergo routine testing for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Aeolin #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Earlier today I recieved a most disturbing telephone call from my great grandson. He recalled to me the start of his public summer school courses. He told me of his science class teaching about evolution and natural selection. Like any good Christian, I was uphauled! How dare they instill the lunatic notions from a man who has been under growing suspicion of being the secret founder of modern Satanism! Some here may know of the damned soul by the name of Anton LaVey who went public with Satanism in the 1960's, however, it all began in secrecy in the 19th Century by Charles Darwin!!! YES! IT'S TRUE!!!!! It quickly and oh so quietly spread throughout the globe from secret encoded Satanic texts that could only be read under the influenc of demons and unclean spirits. Than one man decided to adopt the teachings as his own and went public. One of the primary things LaVey excluded from his wretched Satanic Bible was evolution! He did not want Darwin's most prevalent work of lunacy to be made known as a Satanic teaching, because it would hurt it's public acceptance!

What I am telling you all is true! Please, I beg of you, do not inquire of the source of this information. By me doing so, I will be in great danger!

carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Once people started to deny that sin exists and make up their own "morals" here is what happened:

In the 1960's when the pill was introduced, people began to challenge the idea of "sin" which led them to think that there was nothing wrong with premarital sex. This led to the rise in std's and many more unwanted pregnancies which then led them to figure out what to do with them. So since sin was no longer considered sin, then instead of abstaining from sex, the idea of killing the unborn babies became another viable option. Killing babies then became legalized and many people began to think that we were finally becoming civilized.

Then in then 1970's, premarital sex wasn't enough so the next step was open marriages. This led to swinging, adultery, divorce, and broken familes. Then in the 1980's when adultery wasn't enough, homosexuality began to make its public appearance. This led to the AIDS epidemic which is now considered to be on track as the number one cause of death in the world.

This led to the 1990's where still claiming there's no sin, homosexuals were given socieity's sanction to marry each other. And now the definition of marriage has changed for the first time in the history of mankind from being between a man and a woman to being between one person and another. This shows that the secular world has no clue why people were created male and female. Only religious people know. And it's still being debated about which person can marry which person, i.e. a mother and her child, a father and his child, etc. Now society has to change the definition of a husband and wife! A husband can now be a woman and a wife can now be a man!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what can happen when people deny sin. Not only do they have no clue what marriage is, but what is right and wrong, period. And this confusion is what we are passing along to our children all to deny that God and sin exist. And then we wonder why our children are murdering people today? An adult first has to know what right and wrong is before he can teach his children anything! This shows that we are definitely not fitter than the previous generations but in an escalating state of decay. And what's sad is that many adults who consider themselves so intelligent can't see that. That's how arrogance clouds judgment. Only Christians appear to understand why the above is decadent and leads people to death because we don't deny that sin exists. And atheists calls us evil. Yes indeed, Satan can deceive people into believing that the truth is a lie and that lies are the truth.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Scientists believe that we've visited Mars and that there are men on it???
Scientists believe that there are flying saucers and they contain creatures from outer space?????]

Scientists absolutely wondered whether there were men on Mars which is one reason they visited it! They're still looking for signs of life on the moon as well as other planets. So you are in error again, as usual.

ChrisfromTN #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Lots of Christians will try to come up with convoluted explanations for why something God did was moral. Sadly, the more educated someone is, the more likely they are to do this.

Few people have what I believe to be a proper view of God: one that simply says 'God did it, therefore it is good'.

swordsman2 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Murderers Go to Heaven, and Victims Go to Hell?]

Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderer and a cannibal. In prison, he believed the gospel and was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins. Let's suppose his victims were not Christians. This, then, is an actual case of your manufactured example.

Where does this fit with fairness and justice?
All the victims also had the same chance to obey the gospel and go to heaven. They, too, were sinners in their own right.

Jesus paid for the sins of all, the murderer in this case and the victims. Is it fair and just then, that Dahmer will be in heaven? Yes. All his sins were paid for.

I'm not sure what your problem is.

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