
Relic #fundie christianforums.net

Can you believe that we actually have schools that won’t tell children heterosexuality is healthier than homosexuality? Yet how much money is going into these same schools for AIDS education? Is there something nonsensical about this picture?

Organize a Group to Fight the "Gay" Agenda in Your School

Ðoppleganger #fundie christianforums.net

If a day is as a 1000 years to God, he concluded that a divine year, is 365 1/4 x 1,000 or 365,250 of our own years. Thus the time between the beginning of creation and the creation of man is 42,000 x 365,250 which equals 15.34 billion years! Pretty amazing HUH! And to think a bunch of dumb Jews had it figured out a long time ago.
Scientists have measured the age of the universe and have concluded that the relationship between time near the beginning of the Big Bang and time today, is one million million. As the universe expands, time and its relationship to it would increase, right? If you viewed the six days of creation in the transmitting of time as we see today, the first day, would have been 8 billion years long. The second 24hr day period, would be experienced by us as 4 billion years. The 3rd as 2 billion. The 4th as 1 billion. The 5th as a 1/2 billion. The 6th as a of a 1/4 billion. So adding 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 equals 15 3/4 billion years! Pretty much the same as cosmologists agree.

There's also a NASA/ scientist/ evolutionist connection here. Humm, I wonder where they got that number from! Well as the story goes, NASA was researching the age of the universe when one scientist recalled that some ancient Hebrew writings might have a clue. This is the document they used to confirm there own anomolies in there research, which then dated the age of the universe to some 13 billion years, after that they dated the age to 15 billion years.

JohnR #fundie christianforums.net

Even the controversal book of Genesis can be confirmed by Science to be true. For example, the Bible begins with: "In the beginning". Science confirms that the world has a beginning and a end. We read about how: "the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep". The Ruin-Reconstruction theory says that this is exactly what happens. Destruction on the earth often comes from a Volcano and the dust is so thick that there is darkness on the earth. It is said that at one time a comet hit the earth and raised a lot of dust so that darkness covered the earth and there was a lot of destruction. A lot of the different species at the time went extinct. Often these is followed by a population explosion or radiation.

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

(responding to bacteria formation on other planets, but not human life)

Just goes to show how this earth was created by God for humans in his image. He disn't create us to be able to withstand high temp. Or hell wouldn't be that big of a dea. He didn't create us around a strong gravity based planet or we'd more likely crawl be huge muscle masses.

waitinontheLamb #fundie christianforums.net

[I enjoy reading the Gospel of Judas (and Judas is no traitor)]

What a non-sensical response. The man sold out the only hope for his soul for the price of a slave. He became perdition and now these gnostic "gospels" are one of the best tools lucifer has to keep people duped and in the dark, leading them to hell with him.

Don't be fooled. You step out of here believing those things and you will lose your soul.

We have violated the laws of God and now mankind chooses to further aggravate the situation by believing such tripe.

Relic #fundie christianforums.net

This is exactly what these anti-christ "ignorant" secular liberal people are trying to do! They want to erase the definition of sin as it is in the eyes of God. They want to make perversion as a thing deemed normal. They want to eliminate all truth that protects us from what is truly evil. They are blindly "leading" our next generation into abominable sin.
We need to stop them from perverting our next generation! They know that the younger the mind, the more easily it will be embedded into their way of being. We need to protect our children from such exposure when their minds are so very vulnerable to deceptions and perversions. It's bad enough that we have to closely monitor the music they listen to and turn the tv off to protect our children from all the garbage mouthed people on the tv, from all the oversexed images, from all the bloody images, from all the violence on the tv, at such a young age! It amazes me how parents don't even speak to their children about what is being placed in front of them by way of so called entertainment. And it amazes me how parents are not monitoring what they are being taught in school.

Relic #fundie christianforums.net

Saddam was most definitely a demon force. I saw an actual news clip which showed when he and his sons attended rituals where men were told to stab themselves in the gut with swords and dance around until they dropped dead. And you think Saddam deserved to live? You think a mass murderer who fed on killing people whenever he felt like it, a man who fed on watching people die a torturous death, deserves to live?

You seem to think God is going to bring about the end days without any use of man, that man will not be involved in the great tribulation, or that man will not be involved in the great war, but that only angels will do the work? Well the fact is that angels work through man, don't you know. And so Jesus rides in on the white horse.... in the book of revelation and doesn't slay anyone? If you don't see the hand of God working through righteousness, then you need to look back on history and see how it has been working, is working and will always be working through man. We are vessels... don't you know? If a person is going to be used by satan, they will get the damnation of being a vessel for satan. The righteousness of God works through man.... if you can't see the difference of righteousness at work against the unrighteous, then you need to look at your history lessons from a different perspective.

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

['Apes and humans are equally evolved. And by the way...winter isn't that cold in Africa, yet people have hair on their head there too, don't they?']

No they do not. Neither has evolved what so ever in all the recordings of mankind. Hair is to cool you in the summer and keep you warm in the winter. God really is that ahead of the game. My point is if monkeys in Africa still have hair then so should African that live there, but if you look there bald bodied as can be. Hence, Evolution does not exist.

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

You know what I give up. Not because I'm losing but because. What have I won If I explained something to a foolish man. He's still foolish. I"m not going to play the circle game all day with someone who seams to just want to but heads. Perhaps if you stopped reading things in a biased angle you wouldn't be were you are now. twin nested hierarchy is a pretty funny concept too. Well since we all share smiliar traits we must have all came from a common Ancestor aka the single celled organism. In reality we should be amazed that God can create and did create so many life forms with similiarities. To believe we came from an A sexual single celled organism to a organism with reproductive organs for mating is in it's self stupid. Then carring that idea to a fish and plant and later to a creature on land that grew legs. Fish in the sea today still don't have legs as far as we can remember, and last time I check they didn't want to walk on land. But the fairy tale sounds fun to believe. Have a pet fish? Go ahead and throw it out of its fish bow and tell it to walk and breath. Evolution will grab ahold of it right and for survival it will walk. lol Dummiest theories of the world today lay in science. Science can have all the angles it wants to lie. Yes I said lie because the only way out of a lie is the truth. And no self pride loving scientist is going to back down. They'll simple create more oopsie to back old oopsie. Its just that simple.

Squeakybro #fundie christianforums.net

The one big problem with the rational mind(reasoning out things) is that they assume that they know the truth about everything already. So they start out in their thinking with the assumption that they can know. But what does the Word of God say: unless you become as a little child, you will by no means enter the kingdom of God. And a little child just believes everything you tell them. Well that is what the Word of God says, just believe what the Word tells you. In reality the Word is saying believe it first and then God will open your understanding. But the rational mind says dont believe nothing until you have good reason behind it. This is the difference between accepting it on faith, and reasoning it out according to mans wisdom. The Word accually says to first repent then believe in the gospel. It doesnt say reason it out until it says what you want it to. To many have a pre-conceived idea planted by some man before they open the bible. Then they search to find something that supports their already pre-conceived idea.

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

Misguided antichrist thought process is absorbed in the science threads. You guys keep up the good work of promoting false teaching that go against God. Then turn around and say it follows the bible because 1 day = millions of years in your eye's.

Solo #fundie christianforums.net

Only morons believe in evolution. The facts of creation are clear, and the evidence is in the corner of the young earth creationists. Fables and myths are the nighttime stories read to those who require other than God as the origin of life and author of science.

[So you believe that 95% of scientists are morons. Very interesting... Very telling...]

I believe that ALL scientists who believe in macro-evolution are morons.
In a loving sense, of course.

Atonement #fundie christianforums.net

"Give up.. I don't give up on anything, specially when it's the truth. You know something Blunt this is the 2nd time I'm telling you that Science is playing catch up. You asked me what my opinion was, I gave it. I read your site, I've seen that site a few times, Do you have any of your own thoughts, or are you gonna cut and paste from other sites? But thank you for the resource at least, that was cool. But it proves nothing invalid about the Science in the Bible. Should I quote links to you as well? No, I perfer to just use the Word of God and have you try and prove the Science wrong in it. I would start by researching the book of Job, so you can kinda get a hint on the date of this book, then maybe you would understand how this book has things that men just could have not known back then.. Because to you it was not until the 1600's that men starting using scientific methods under Francis Bacon."

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

I've read reports showing the false beliefs of science. "IF" evolution existed we'd still be hairy like apes. For evolution to choose us and not apes is way off. To say well one got to evolutionize and the other stayed hairy. Evolutionist will tell you that the hair stayed on ur head for the sun rays to get blocked. Last time I checked hair was to keep you warm in the winter, not to block sun rays. In that case how come through the generations people getting skin cancer haven't developed into hairy beasts.

caseypayne1980 #fundie christianforums.net

Here's the kicker if the evolution scientist thinks 2 + 2 = 7. Seven being millions of years ago, then that scientist is going to work in a biased manner to get his answer and create equations to get it. So he can say after many many many test, (unaccurate ones) I believe yes things are millions of years old. And they believer there hitting the bulleye since all there tests go the same way, even if there throwing darts at the floor and the bullseye is on the wall. Creationist looks at the bible and say hey 2 + 2 = 4. Uses data based on this and comese out to a closer opinion. Lasty, remember if something goes against God and the bible it's an abonination, a false religion. Yes, science can be a false religion if you believe in it without your own study and believe in the scientist with faith. Oh the key word faith that people make fun of Christians for, this is the same for those that believe scientist without there own study.

disruptor #fundie christianforums.net

Anyone with a mortgage or bank-loan is a willing participant in this Satanic scam.

[I cant get a loan now? as a grad student i guess i'm majorly screwed.....]

No...you're already being majorly screwed by the Satanic system to whom you will likely be enslaved through debt for the rest of your life.

The time you will spend working to pay off those debts is precious time you could be spending promoting God's works, appreciating His creation, being with your family, fighting Satanism and so forth. By working you to the point of exhaustion through debt, the system ensures your compliance and prevents your rebellion.

Even if you personally are fortunate enough to end up without any debts, your federal and state authorities have debts which they will pay by taxing your labor. So one way or another, you will probably end up working for them and for their master Satan. Most people do.

Most education is corrupt and un-Christian anyway, with many universities teaching a range of satanic trivia while perverting students into an "anything-goes" eclecticism. Such parasitic and pointless universities should be abolished immediately and destroyed, or turned into poor-houses, in my opinion. Students should start again with a Bible, a piece of paper and a pencil.

destiny #fundie christianforums.net

I believe that when a country turns it's back on God....Outright kicks Him out of the public arena in the name of 'sensitivity'and 'tolerance', murders unborn babies by the thousands daily, and whose churches are falling to apostasy and giving way to homosexual leadership and humanism at an alarmig rate; ....is subject to the judgment of God.

We are the ones who forfeit blessing for curse at a national level.
Too me, it's just a matter of what was once under blessing is now under a curse; God will simply stop blessing us and allow us to see what its like without his favor.
I believe that means seeing more things like katrina and 9/11.

alasdair #fundie christianforums.net

I speak with the voice of the Lord because I'm the Archangel. I appreciate that it might be difficult to believe, but please look at the contents of the site (proof for Christianity, resolution of large parts of the Bible etc).

Leave Florida. Repent from sins later (you are better off being alive because you can help more people. So don't worry about "running away from the Lord" or anything like that - the Lord isn't a big Tsunami, he is a starving African child).

Someone should advertise to Floridans - I can't afford it (otherwise I'd do it), but someone in America must be able to.

Relic #homophobia christianforums.net

[You should excuse the expression, but how does one get 'initiated' into homosexuality?]

Sadly! We know it is only some of the many ways they try to initiate by molestation of our children and young adults.

Another way they try to initiate our children into homosexuality is by using a very subtle form of molestation and one that is also very offensive in that it perverts the minds of innocent young children, is to write vulgar books about homosexual relationships and read them to children in kindergarten and 7 year old children in the 2nd grade! They dare to introduce these teaching into the school systems curriculum to our very very young children , as if it to be a "normal" type of relationship. Another way is to write books about teens having explicit homosexual acts and show them to kids in high school and give children sex education classes which shows them how to have so called safe sex with the same sex. Those are just a few of the many ways in which the homosexual pedophiles (called pederasts) use as part of Their Agenda to initiate and brainwash the minds of our babies and young adults without our consent!

Preacher Boy #fundie christianforums.net

I am glad my children are deprived from the world by being homeschooled, no cable TV, sit with us in church and they are each others best friend. Don't let anyone convince you your kid needs friends! I could have done without almost all my childhood friends, and this world isn't any better than it was 20 years ago.

My children are my responsibility and I refuse to turn them over to the wolves of the society, whatever disguise it wears!

carey #fundie christianforums.net

Ban the koran for its command for all believers to strike
terror in the heart of ALL unbelievers with any steed of war at the believers disposal.
Terrorism is illegal and the Koran commands it. Anyone claiming to be a muslim is admitting to plot terror.

There are many ways to single out only Islam.

HeWillReturn #racist christianforums.net

But seriously, I really like this idea. It is like a big sign that tells us who the worse sinners are. Africans have the highest percentage of AIDS. They must generally be horrible sinners! Makes you wonder why God even made them.

Relic #homophobia #quack christianforums.net

[Relic thinks he's found the cure for homosexuality]

Everyone knows the Physical can be treated by doctors that aren't type who are nothing but butchers or money hungry vultures. Nothing like a good dose of testosterone when it is lacking or, in the case of women estrogen. If it is not physical, it is a mental condition. Both can be treated properly, And, Christ Jeus teaches the healing and overcoming of any malady. Even to those who are physically disabled in other ways.

If a person is depressed do we advocate for them to stay in the depressed state of being? NO. So then, why do you advocate for the person who has a chemical imbalance to stay in the homosexual state of being if what is out of balance in their bodies are their testosterone or estrogen levels?

destiny #fundie christianforums.net

[What causes a person to become a homosexual?]

A child has an abusive or perverse role model, which in turn leaves the child with no spiritual covering and leaves them open to perverse demonic spirits, these demons confuse the gender and identity of the person.
A person engages in homosexual sex out of enticement or curiousity and then a double wammy occurs.
They commit a gross sin against God, plus, there is a transferance of a perverse demon from one person to the other.
I have been accused of over spiritualizing, but I believe this sort of thing is very real.

ikester7579 #fundie christianforums.net

Do you know the "only" test that would prove this [that the soul has a weight] wrong? Take a animal, which has no soul, and do the same test. If it loses weight upon death, then it is physical. If it don't, then the other test proves there is a soul. I don't know of any scientist brave enough to make such a bold quest for actual truth. Because this test has been out there for how long? And no one, that wants to disprove this, is not smart enough to figure out that a soul-less life test would bring no doubt?

I actually think the test has already been done. But the atheist did not like the out come. So it was never revealed. There is a difference between wanted actual truth, and justification for what one wants to believe.

Gabbylittleangel #fundie christianforums.net

[regarding the question of fossil evidence and what happened to Dinosaurs]

Believe it or not, this is one of the topics that I discussed with the Lord. gators and crocks, yes. So are elephants and Rhinoceros's (Praise God for spellcheck )

Some of the things that God revealed to me was that they were not vicious. The big guy with the huge pointy teeth? He ate trees. There was one dino that was found that scientist had believed had swallowed another dinosaur whole? He did not. She was pregnant. They did not lay eggs, they gave live birth, like rhinos do today.
Well, except for the big bird thingy. And unlike its Hollywood and Japanese film counterparts, they had feathers.

Why are they gone? The Lord says that there were not all that many of them to begin with. They were on the ark. And they simply did not reproduce after the flood rapidly enough to survive. With the exception of the ones that survived. Crocks, gators, elephants, rhinos.

Gabbylittleangel #fundie christianforums.net

[as it got clear in a later post, the first sentence is to be understood literally; she actually asserts that God told her about this in a private conversation]

Something else the Lord revealed. There is one creature that scientist put together from some bones that they found. They created a whole new animal that never existed.
They took a long bone from each leg, and made a huge tail out of it. It became a dinosaur with a long neck, short legs, and a long tail. The bones were actually from a giraffe. #Rofl

spreadingtheword #fundie christianforums.net

The other day while installing some new fiber optics cables for a satellite array I overheard some coworkers talking about quarks. Quarks are supposedly tiny particles that nobody can see and nobody has any use for. So why do we know about them? What good does it possibly do us to know what a quark is? Just another example of useless science, and wasted money on the so called research needed for this great discovery.

I seriously have to wornder about people who spend their free time thinking about things like quarks or quasars. There are more important things to do.

As far as I am concerned if an answer to a question isn't in the bible, then the you have no business asking the question. A few years ago when my wife suddenly had to get an emergency c-section I was scared. But I didnt turn to any book about quarks. Luckily I had my palm pilot with me, which just happened to have the entire King James bible on it! I read a few passages that gave me the strength to pray for her and the baby to get through this ordeal. I sure didn't need any useless trivia books about quarks to find comfort in.

I have very little use for science. In fact it is in impediment to getting close to God.

[Someone points out the obvious fact that c-sections and computers are a benefit of science.]

You are confusing TECHNOLOGY with SCIENCE.

Technology and science are often lumped together, but are totally separate and unrelated things.

Technology makes peoples lives easier. Technology is the product of inventive geniuses who were inspired by God. Inventions and innovations improve life.

Science causes confustion and makes things complicated. Everytime there is a new discovery the old discoveries and old wisdom are discarded! And theories get more and more complex. Science makes people confused and complicates things. Who is the author of confusion? Satan of course. The bible it the opposite of science. Biblical wisdom NEVER CHANGES, and anyone can get it. Scientific wisdom is always changing and contradicting itself, and really nobody gets it.

Please don't insult our intelligence by lumping science and technology together. They are as different at night and day.

spreadingtheword #fundie christianforums.net

How many of you agree that science needs to be reined in, and that out of control science is one of the greatest dangers to mankind short of Satan himself? YES

Should there be limits to what scientists can study? YES

Should all research be subjected to some kind of ethics board approval? YES

Should be some kind of review of any proposed research for ethical purposes, and should that board include people who are not themselves scientists? YES

Is the whole idea of discovery for the sake of discovery is flawed? YES

Are there limits to what mankind should be allowed to know? YES

Is the much touted liberal idea of being open minded a recipie for destruction? YES

Does being too open minded cause people to think too much and question too much? YES

Is it dangerous to think too much, and question too much? YES

Is it dangerous to know too much? YES

Does knowledge ultimately reduce peoples fear of God? YES

Is it better to be closed minded - secure in the knowledge that God has told you everything that you need to know? YES

We really need to put the breaks on science. Scientists should only be allowed to study what needs to be studied as decided by the people. Scientists should stop telling people what to believe.

Vic #fundie christianforums.net

[What is going on here ? There are groups opposed to circumcision ? This is crazy. The procedure is Biblical, because hats where it comes from. Even though it is supposed to be on the 8th day, because God knew that less bleeding would would take place on the 8th day after birth. I forgot how it goes but on the 8th day your body does something.]

The body starts to produce coagulants, namely vitamin K, after 8 days. Would Man have actually know this thousands of yeas ago? Hmmm...

Poke #fundie christianforums.net

[in response to someone who explained him that the Big Bang and Abiogenesis have nothing to do with evolution]

How can we have a productive conversation when you insist on a silly and irrelevant definition of Evolution?

[later in the same post regarding his idea of what evolution is]

Document the transition of a chimp into a human through natural selection and mutation. I understand that this would take to long or maybe not happen at all. So, feel free to identify any emperical example of anything else that would meet Darwin's definition of Darwinism.

[in response to the poster saying new species and new genera has been observed]

Mere speciation has nothing to do with Evolution. Read Darwin's Origin of Species for the correct definition of Darwinism.

dad #fundie christianforums.net

Matter in the past must have cooled fast. We see the seperation of waters from land in Gen 1. If this happened today we would be cooked. Just like if the continents seperated fast, it would now cause great heat. Therefore matter was different, and cooled fast in the past.

dad #fundie christianforums.net

Science is a weak little kid on the block, that is hearing impaired, and 94% blind. The bible is like the hubble telescope, and a master computer, and a time machine rolled into one. It goes to the past, and the distant future in a cosmic rolls royce. But those who are not concerned with the bible, and just science must accept their huge limitations.

Imagican #fundie christianforums.net

[A post about gay marriage and raising children]

Now, the Christ said that if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off. I say that if your, you know what [penis], offends you, cutting it off may be an option.

-maranatha- #fundie christianforums.net

Of course evolution can´t be brought together with the book of Genesis.
The "death" of bacterias was no death, because I can´t remember bacterias being considered as living beings anywhere in scripture.
Normally people don´t speak or think of the death of bacterias...

Imagican #fundie christianforums.net

[re: evolution of fruit]

And I guess these fruits were SO smart that they developed their colors of choice as well. Thinking 'wow, if I color myself REAL pretty, someone will eat me and then drop my seeds so I can reproduce. Yeah, yeah, that's it, reproduction. And, if I can get them ALL to eat me and drop the seeds EVERYWHERE, eventually we CAN RULE THE WORLD. Just US APPLES!!!! So, now we must figure out how to stop them from eating grapes'.

Well, I guess those that 'don't get it' simply 'won't get it'. Too bad.

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