Transcend , pornoddio & Tatsuhirocel #sexist #racist

Would they lower the age of consent in the event of nuclear war?

Hypothetical: There's a nuclear war and an attendant social collapse. The population declines dramatically and there are not nearly as many workers to exploit. Do The Powers That Be finally cave and lower the AOC to the age of breedability?

No because normies brainwashed masses will simply be given a free pass to enforce their pedohunter activities. They will hunt us down, track us and k1ll us, then of course they will complain about fertility rate being even lower than it is now. Feminism brainwashed normies to a point of no return, they will forever think that if you are attracted to an attractive girl you are a paedo. If you will approach a father of a femoid to arrange a good deal and buy the foid, he will just call you "paedo" if his daughter is not a 35 years old hag with warts on her pussy. I am not joking, not even nuclear war can remove the braindamage of normies and their insane feminist attitudes.

It was over same moment that feminism was created.

Nah they will just invite niggers to be their slaves.In case of a nuclear war countries like Usa and Russia and china would be nuked.I guess pakistan and india would nuke each other too.And maybe iran and israel.Nigger countries and south american countries wont get hit



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