@kuyohashi #110116
Same here concerning Cosby. He was my favorite comedian and a genuine master storyteller. His stuff bridged age, class, race, etc. He was hilarious and spoke of stuff that was very relatable and his material appealed to all ages so everyone could enjoy it.
His classic bits on Noah, The Chicken Heart, Fat Albert, The Dentist, Chocolate Cake for Breakfast, Natural Childbirth, etc. are some of the FUNNIEST stuff I’ve heard, EVER!
But now, it is ruined because it’s from a guy who was a serial rapist who was actually a bit scary if you crossed him… and I can’t simply separate the art from the artist because the art itself is about him, his life and family.
As for Hogan: Kayfabe Hogan the Character is awesome and cool but real-life Hogan can go eat a grenade. At least I can separate the two. I like to picture Wrestling Hogan body-slamming Real Hogan and scolding him for not being a “Real American” due to being a bigoted wingnutty moron.
Finally, Betty White and Sidney Poitier were older than Methuselah! It’s rare for people to live as long as they did! They died from a big case of Old!
As for Saget, I have no idea what killed him. All I know is that he seemed to be doing fine and was touring with his stand-up shows. He made a stop at a hotel to turn in for the night a just passed away peacefully in his sleep. Maybe he had some undiagnosed condition or a sudden brain aneurysm or maybe he had that weird thing where the heart just stops beating (there a rare genetic anomaly in some people where the electrical charge that keeps the heart pumping just goes “TILT” and an otherwise perfectly healthy person dies). Maybe we’ll learn soon.