Joseph MacKinnon #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #quack

Much has been said and written of late about medical tyranny in the West and the vaccine apartheid being cemented by authoritarians, not just in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Europe, but here in the United States.

It is important to recognize two things: first, that the proponents of those dehumanizing trends are now seizing upon the technologies that have been deployed over the past year, the precedents set, and the apparent nonresistance exhibited by the supermajority; and second, that those same proponents are furnished with a utilitarian ethic, a statist mindset, and a materialist philosophy. To combat or at the very least withstand the totalitarianism to come, we must first address the culture that sustains it. Change the culture, and you’ll free the West. 
Our eudemonistic / epicurean Culture of Death—that name given it by St. John Paul II in Evangelium vitae—has made our society morally weak, unaccountable, and unprincipled in the name of individual freedom. There is obviously nothing wrong with freedom, but here we’re dealing with a transmogrified form: freedom from risk; freedom from responsibility; freedom from inconvenience; freedom from tradition. Liberated from all the above, these swinish cultists instead enslave themselves—but more often than not enslave others whose subjugation might be required—to the pursuit of [their] fleeting pleasure. Though made in the image of the infinite, omniscient, and loving Creator of everything visible and invisible, they turn their eyes downward and seek meaningless thrills in the dark at the expense of their souls and our civilization. 



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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