Sasha Alex Lessin, PhD. #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #ableist

On the planet NIBIRU, ALALU had seized the Throne and wed his daughter Princess DAMKINA to Prince ENKI. Damkina and Enki’s son, MARDUK, would succeed Alalu. But, 400,000 years ago, ANU overthrew Alalu to complete the mining of gold from the asteroids or Earth to convert to WHITE POWDER OF MONOATOMIC GOLD to float into Nibiru’s ionisphere and preserve its atmosphere. Alalu had fled to Earth, found gold and tried to regain the Nibiran Crown, but Anu defeated him and exiled him to die on MARS.

King Anu had sent his three annoying and quarrelsome kids–Enki, Princess NINMAH and ENLIL (Anu’s legal heir and the father of Ninmah’s son, NINURTA)–to Earth. Last Time, we accompanied Ninmah as she landed on Mars.
On Earth Anu had made ENLIL (Yahweh), now Commander of the goldmining expedition, obsessed with besting Enki (Adonai), who was now Chief of Goldmining and Science Operations.
Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.

Enlil renewed his courtship of Ninmah. If he could get her pregnant again, and if she’d bare him another boy, he’d best Enki. He and Enki both wanted babies with Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.
To this day, the adapted hybrid Nibirans we are remain trapped in a rivalry between Enki and Enlil over Ninmah. Nowadays the followers of Enki’s son Marduk (who came to be called Ra, Amen, Satan and perhaps Allah) battle with the followers of Enlil (who came to be called Yahweh, Jehovah or even, like Nannar or Marduk, “Allah).”

Time we dropped rivalry based on this ancient romance, pre-modern concepts of hierarchy, and the denigration of females that both Marduk and Enlil exhibit.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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