With the fire from that strawman you're burning, you could bake a cake, OP. If you're not sure about who to give it to, I'll take it off your hands.
Who knows who'll be the lucky people I'll give it to in your stead...?!
You guys really fucking should know better when the tip of your offence is a fucking wedding cake. Yes, you should let people fucking live, even if they sometimes come to your fucking cake store and ask you to bake them one, just like any other customer would.
Baker (to person wanting a gay wedding cake): “They say I have to serve ‘the public’! Well, I decide who are ‘the public’! And DISGUSTING DEVIANTS who live a sexual lifestyle that’s AGAINST MY RELIGION is no ‘public’ of mine!! Not baking it!!”
Baker (in tears, having just been accused of discrimination): “WHY can’t people STOP persecuting us Christians?????”
@arp #47710
Pebblefling is trying to claim that homosexuals are the ones doing the persecution, because having to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple is pretty much the same as being tied to a fencepost with barbed wire, savagely beaten and left for dead.
What if it was a black man who wanted to get married, to a white woman, instead of a SSM? Would you back the cake for them? You see, that would have been the issue 50 years ago, rather than a gay couple, but the bigotry is so eerily similar.
In the minds of fundies gay people are juat eaeching for bakeriea, checking each one to make sure the ownera are Chriatian and then scream "persecution" when they find one. When in reality these people are likely loyal costomers of the one bakery they know, want that baker to work on their wedding because they know they will do and good job and didn't think it would be a problem until they are preached at.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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